Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Week 103 (05/13/13) - Last email!

Hey guys! I love you all so much!

I don't really know what else I can tell you all that I didn't tell you all on Saturday! It has been a good weekend! We had a baptism Saturday and she was confirmed yesterday morning! She is really happy! I will show you all pictures and let you all know more details Thursday! I am excited to see you all and to start school and everything! Life's changes can be hard/bittersweet but I am really feeling good about my service and my time here! Thank you all for supporting me so much! I love all! See you all in the airport Thursday!

Love you all!!

(and for hopefully not the last time.....)
Elder Woodfield

Monday, May 6, 2013

Week 102 (05/06) - More baptisms and Mother's Day

Hey guys! 

Today I'm not going to write very much because I don't have very much time! But I just wanted to tell you guys that I love you all!!!

This last weekend we had a baptism! The two kids from the Familia Parada Ortiz were baptized! Hector (14 years old) and Rosario (16 years old) - I am so glad that I could be here for their baptism! We have been fighting since December to get them to this point (not fighting with them, just fighting against doubts and problems that have come up haha) but they are so happy! They feel really good and have changed a ton! I am glad to be a missionary!!

It has been a good week! We have been working hard and doing a lot of stuff! I know that this is God's true work and that he loves each of us!

Well family! It's almost Mother's Day again! It's going to be kind of funny talking over Skype again as I am coming home so soon! haha but we will be on Skype this Saturday! (We can't do it on the actual Mother's Day because the President asked us to not do it on a member's computer so that means we have to do it in a cyber and we can't go on Sundays because that would be against the commandments! haha) but we will be on Skype Saturday afternoon at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon! If you can have Lizzie set up skype and everything, that would be great and I will just call her!

Anyway, love you all!!! Stay close and don't forget that I love you all!!!

I love you all!


P.S. Could you guys make me homemade chewy oatmeal cookies for when I get home? I am craving them!! With lots of chocolate chips and no raisins...I still hate raisins! haha

P.S.S. If you could have my talk topic for my homecoming when I call on Saturday? That would be great so I can start to meditate on it! Love you guys!!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Week 101 (04/29/2013) - Baptism of 88 year old, Hermano Marcos

Baptism of Hermano Marcos
Braden with elders in his zone - Left to right - Unknown, Braden, Elder Jacob Dinino, Elder Scott Mehr
Braden is not in this photo but they had nearly 100 baptisms in their zone in April - incredible! 

Hey guys! 

We had a baptism this last weekend! Hermano Marcos was baptized! He is the guy that has been going to church for 3 years and never got baptized because he said he didn't want to! He is a good guy! I attached a picture! It was really funny because he broke his wrist like a week and a half ago and he has a cast on! But it was interesting to see an 88 year old man get baptized! It is a lot harder than it sounds! haha...He had to be baptized 3 times!Iit was really funny!

It has been a really good week. We have been working hard and we've found some good, new people! We should be having other baptisms this weekend too! My goal is to baptize every weekend until the end of my mission! Pray for me! I love you guys!

I loved seeing the picture of Hna Rogelia and you all eating lunch together! I am so glad that she was able to get with you and that it went well! I love you guys! Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you guys! Thank you for taking her to lunch!

I don't have much time today because I have been talking a lot to the other elders and I haven't been focused but I just wanted to tell you all that I love you! I am excited to see you all soon and I am preparing to come home! I hope that all goes well for all of you this week! I love you all!


Monday, April 22, 2013

Week 100 (04/22/2013) - Baptism of Jose Manuel and Braden's Birthday

Pictures of the Familia Parada Ortiz and the missionaries on my birthday

My birthday dinner with Hermano Juan and Hermana Rogelia

Baptism of Jose Manuel

Hello family!

How is eveyrone today? I love you all! I hope that everyone is happy and well up there in Utah! We have had a good week this week! We were working hard to get a lot of baptisms for this weekend but we only had one! The rest will be next weekend! It was really special! Hno. Jose Manuel (the guy that can't talk because he had surgery) was baptized! He is so excited and he loves the church! I got to baptize him and it was a cool experience! As you know, he has a hole in his throat and something I didn't know before I met him, is that people that have those holes breath through them! Well, I am telling you this to let you know of a unique challenge that we had when he was baptized! Normal people can close their mouth and plug there nose to not let water in when they are baptized but he cant do it the same way! He knew that he had a bit of a risk of choking by letting water go into the hole but he didnt care and still wanted to take the risk! He covered the hole the best he could but he still choked a little bit but he is alright! He just coughed a little bit! But it was good...He is so amazing! He is always, always smiling and is really happy to be a part of the church!

I attached a couple pictures of me, of the baptism and of a surprise birthday cake that the Familia Parada Ortiz gave me! They are so nice! I had a good birthday this last week! Like I mentioned, I got to do service in the morning and help a lady mix cement to build a house! And then we worked normally all day! We also went to dinner with Hno Juan and Hna Rogelia (The lady that will be coming this week to visit! They are so nice!) They bought us steak and it was really good! But the Familia Parada Ortiz was the best! They totally surprised me! I didn't even know they knew it was my birthday and when we got there they came out with this huge cake with candles! I loved it! They are a lot nicer than the missionaries that smashed cake in my face on Monday! haha (That was funny they weren't really mean, I enjoyed it all!) But all in all, it was a good birthday! Thanks for thinking of me! I love you all!

So this week that is coming, we should have several more baptisms - pray for us! We have a family also that is getting papers from Nicaragua to be able to get married at the beginning of May! Pray for them as well! I love them all and I am so glad that we are able to do so much amazing work here in El Salvador! I love the gospel and the church and just everything!

Well, that's about all I have to say today! I was just joking about the "secrets" that I said last week! I really don't have any secrets! Maybe things that are better told in person that I want to wait to tell, but no secrets! It's kind of fun to be away from loved ones for so long! (I would never be away this long for any other reason apart from church service though! haha) but I am excited to be back! I love you all and I miss you all! Pray to help me have lots of energy to keep finishing strong! Thanks for all your prayers and love!!!


P.S. Grandma, I would love to do some of your male ancestor's names! I can start the Friday after I get home! Love you Grandma!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Week 99 (04/15/2013) - Baptisms, stories, and home


How is everyone doing today?! I love you all! We have had a great week here! We have been working hard with a lot of our investigators and we are working towards baptism for several of them! But I decided, like some of you are doing, to keep all the stories secret until I am home hehe :) Isn't it funny that all my mission we tell stories and stuff but there are some stories or letters that just can't contain what we want them to contain, so instead of writing them, we just plan on waiting until I get home?? haha It will be good! We will have to be telling stories all night long! (thats if I can stay up past 10:30 haha we'll see!) But it will be good! Time is flying and I am working more than I ever have to take advantage of every minute! I love it!

So I was going to tell you guys that I wanted to go to the temple on the Friday morning after I get home if that is ok? Maybe we could go like at 7 am ish? And then afterward, like at 10 we could go and do baptisms with Lizzie and whoever else wants to come? I can't think of a better way to spend my first morning home than to be in the temple! I am excited to go to the temple! I love it there and I haven't had many opportunities to go while I have been here on my mission! So let's go Friday!

I am excited for this weekend! It should be a good weekend for baptisms but keep praying for us!

Also, as for the Saint George trip, we can just set the date when I am home! I don't really know what or where I need to be for school and stuff? But I really want to go to Saint George!

Can we go camping like the weekend after I get home too???

I love you all!!!

Stay close!


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Week 98 (04/08/13) - Conference, rewards, and Familia Parada Ortiz

Hola Familia!

Como están todos?!

I love you all! How has your week been this week?! I hope that everyone is doing well up there in Good old Utah! I am doing well here in El Salvador! This last week we had changes (other missionaries had changes, but I didn't) and I realized more than ever....wow! These are my last 6 weeks! As you all already know, it is bittersweet! But I am excited to finish strong!

We have had a lot of success this last week and there are a lot of investigators that are progressing! We have some baptismal interviews scheduled this week for some baptisms that will happen on the 21st of April! (like in 2 Sundays) We are excited and keep praying for us to have more and more success!

Guess what everyone?! So you all remember the Familia Parada Ortiz? Well, the whole family has been going to church for several months now! Lennyz was baptized in February but the rest of the family isn't baptized yet! But we had 2 changes this last week! The first, the son (Juan Hector Junior), acceped a baptismal date for the 21st of April! And also the dad (also Juan Hector but he is Juan Hector Senior) went to church for the first time ever on Saturday Night! He went to the Priesthood Session of the conference! I am still so so happy! We have been working so hard for him to go to church! I am so excited for him! We hope that he progresses and is able to be baptized before I go home! Pray for him!

Also today, we had a P-day activity with the President and Hna Glazier! We played games like mafia and the famous "Glazier name game" (I will teach it to you all when I'm home) and then we had a little water fight! It was fun! We all ate pizza and just had some fun! We had the P-day because we were the "most succesful zone" was last month! Woo hoo! It was fun!

Conference was awesome! I loved all the talks! Especially the talks about repentance and obedience! I learned a lot, but most of all I felt something really special as I was listening to each of the general authorities speak. I felt as if burden, pain, and confusion were lifted from me! I have learned a lot about the gospel on my mission but I still have so much to learn! And just hearing the talks gave me so much hope. I was reading in Ether 12 the other day and it talked about how we need to have faith for a better world. It is so true! Moroni also talked about that! Moroni being the last of his people, being the only one that still believed in and was firm towards Christ, said that "with faith we can look forward to have a better world." We can find peace in this life and in life after this. I loved that! I am grateful for profets today! I love them and I am grateful for their inspiring words!

I love you all! Stay close! Remember that I am here to help all of you in anything you need! I love you all!


Monday, April 1, 2013

Week 97 - La Semana Santa

From another Elder in his zone, Elder Dinino, "I think he might win the "clean house contest" that is going on in the mission. haha...and he had 12 investigators at church yesterday which was super great!"

Hey Family!! Como están?

Hey! I love you guys! How are you are doing? Thanks so much for your emails today! I am so excited to hear that Scott got baptized! That makes me so happy! I love to see the process of change! So many people lose hope that others can change, but we all know that the Atonement changes others! It is so important that we never lose hope in others! I love the news! Also, Cameron is going to Finland! That sounds fun! I bet it is going to be cold up there, though! I love the cold but it would definitely be interesting to be a missionary in the cold! haha but he is going to absolutely love it up there! When does he leave? I am so glad that I get to see Hannah before she leaves! That is exciting too! Soo many people are going on missions - it's awesome! I am excited to see the way everyone has changed in the last 2 years!

This week has been a great week! We have been working with just about the same investigators and a lot of them came to church! The Familia Antón (Henry, Cristina, and Evelyn (7 years old)) is progressing well! Henry is from Nicaragua, so this week he is going there to get all his papers so they can be married! Also, the Familia Mendoza (José, Francisca, Kenia (8 years old), and Antonio (6 years old) are doing well and they are happy! They are all going to church and are enjoying it! The Family Parada Ortiz is progressing still too! The mom and the son have been going to church and the dad promised to go to conference this weekend! He has to stop smoking, so pray for him (his name is Hector)!  And also, José Manuel (the guy that can't talk) has been progressing so fast! He loves the church and is getting ready for baptism, too!

I love my mission!

We had an interesting week this last week! It was La Semana Santa - that's what they call Easter here but here, the traditions are absolutely different! They don't know anything about the Easter Bunny haha what they do are old Catholic traditions. They have huge groups of people that follow a group of people that are dressed in costumes to represent Jesus and the roman soldiers and everything. They act out His last 2 days of life! They show him walking with the cross and they carry a statue of dead Jesus to the catholic church and everything! It was interesting to see all of this from our house (our house is pretty much in the center of the city, so all that went on over the few days, we saw all of it) but its interesting and a bit disrespectful of the holiness of the event, but it's their tradition! haha anyway, it was a good week! Everyone in the country has the whole week off work, out of school, and everyone goes to the beach! haha so there weren't many people in their houses but we made the best of it!

I got the package you all sent me this week! I love it so much! IT'S AMAZING! I loved the candies and the food! It might just be the best package yet! Thank you all for the recording and the love that you sent! I loved hearing Anslee's voice! it's the first time I've heard her voice! She sounds so cute! I was smiling for like 10 minutes after I heard her! I love you guys! Thanks for my last Easter/Birthday package!

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you all, thanks for all you do! I love you all! I love that in this time of the year, we celebrate Christ's life and death. I am so grateful for what he did for each of us. I have been changed by his Atonement and I am so grateful that I have the oportunity to return to live with Him after this life! I just imagine myself passing through to see him and looking in His eyes and telling Him "Thank you so much..." and then hugging Him! I love my Savior, I am nothing without Him and I am so so glad that I can come close to Him. I love that He loved us so much that He provided the way to come back to Him.

I love you all! Stay close and keep the emails coming! (Letters maybe not anymore because they might not get here on time! haha) but anyway, I love you all!


Monday, March 25, 2013

Week 96 (03/25/2013) - Challenging week and upcoming Easter (and cooking)!

Hola familia!

How is everyone today? I love you all! I wanted to tell you all thanks for your letters, love, and emails! I can't wait to get my package! Time is flying so fast, but it is going so well!!!

This week we had some challenges with our investigators: some were sick, some were out of town and some just had other problems. We only had 4 at church yesterday! We need all of your prayers to help them, so keep praying for them! But we are still really excited! We are going to be doing a lot to help them and get them to church this next week! It will be great!

Happy Birthday Anslee! Tell her Happy Birthday from me! I love that little girl!

Next birthday is Kalee's and I will be home for it! Woo! What are we going to do? Kalee, I say we go camping or something - what do you say? haha or maybe a bar-b-que? haha whatever works! let me know if you want me to do anything so I can start imagining the food in my mind of how I'm going to make it! haha

So guess what?! Our new branch president invited us to dinner at his house this next Sunday for Easter! His wife told me I had to cook...haha no complaints there! I still love cooking and I'm excited to do it! I just don't know what to cook yet! haha I will have to think about it this week! But Happy Easter this next Sunday! Buy some cadburry eggs for me! I love those things! Maybe you could buy a big bag and freeze them for me to eat when I get home?? haha

I have been thinking a lot this last week about my Savior and what He has done for me. This week to come is the rememberance of His last week of life. Thursday was when he gave the sacrament. That same night, He suffered and was tortured and killed the next day. When he died, he opened the work for the spirits in the spirit world! How amazing is the plan of God! And then on Sunday, He was ressurected to break the bands of death! How important and amazing was this sacrifice! If it wasn't for Him, we would be trapped forever in sin - we wouldn't be able to escape! God gave us the escape. He just asks us to follow Him and repent to recieve forgiveness. I love the atonement! In this coming week think of our Savior's sacrifice for us and apply it just a little more to your lives!

I love you all! I hope that you are all doing awesome! Remember I love you all and that I am here for you all! Stay close!!!


Monday, March 18, 2013

Week 95 (03/18/2013) - Baptism of Familia Abregos!

Baptism of Familia Abregos

Braden and his companion

Hey everyone!

How is everyone doing?? I have had a great week here and it sounds like everyone else is doing well too! I love you all! I attached a picture of the Familia Abregos baptism! They are so excited! I love it! They are happy and well! They finally were able to get married and they are doing great!

This week, we have been working with a lot of the same people! We had a bunch of people at church again and they are progressing well!! Thank you so much for all your prayers! They are helping them out so much! I have seen so many miracles in these past months and I know that God has his hand in every part of it! It is not just that the gospel helps people, it changes people. I know that it is so powerful! God does exist and he loves each of us! He is preparing each of us in our own specific way to become better - we just need to be humble to accept his preparation! The scriptures guide us, sincere prayer gives us revelation and comfort. I know that our investigators that are doing these things will feel the gospel! There is no trick, there is no secret, there is just the Spirit. If we can teach with the Spirit, they accept and they grow and change! I love it!

Apart from that, we have been working well with the branch! It is fun to see the growth! This week 85 people came to church! That is more than we have ever had in Gotera (in my time here at least) and I loved to see that our little chapel was filled up to the back wall! (My companion and I were standing outside the doors because it was too full :) The Lord is the cause of this! He touches the hearts of so many! and I am so grateful that I can be apart of it here! It's awesome!

I am grateful to be a missionary at this time! It is the best! Thanks for all your love! Tell James hi for me! And Thomas as well in a week or so??? Anyway, just send my love to all the good old Utahns up there!

I love you all!!!


Monday, March 11, 2013

Week 94 (03/11/2013) - Lots of baptisms and investigators

Hey family!

How is everyone doing today?? I love you all!! So, this has been an awesome week! As I mentioned last week, God has blessed us a lot with families to teach that are really positive! We have been working with all of them and they are all progressing! They read, they go to church and they love the gospel! 

We also found a really cool guy this week!!! It was actually a bit of a miracle!! We were walking out of an appointment with a family that we had been teaching for a few weeks (a family that I haven't mentioned to you all) but they had just told us that they didn't want us to come back anymore and they didn't want to listen to us. It is always really sad when you hear that because they aren't just rejecting us, they are also rejecting the gospel and Christ...but anyway, we were walking out of the appointment and feeling a little bit sad we were on our way home (it was about 10 minutes before nine) and we felt like we should talk to a guy that was standing on the side of the road! We went over to him and introduced ourselves and he said that he was actually an active member in San Miguel! He talked to us for a second and said that his wife was visiting her brother and that is why he was in our area. Well, his wife came out and we talked for a bit and then, right before going, I asked if there was anyone they knew that we could visit! She said, "Yeah! You can visit my brother!" And so she introduced us to her brother. His name is Manuel and a few years ago he had throat cancer, he can't speak at all because they took out his vocal cords or something? Anyway, we went and visited him a couple of days later and he was really positive! He accepted to come to church and then came! And then also to be baptized! He is really humble and just amazing! To speak to us, he writes in a notebook haha but he is cool!

Anyway, the f key on my keyboard is broken so if there are random f´s everywhere, it's because of that! haha 

Also this week, we have been working a lot to help the families we have to progress and set baptismal dates! Many of them have accepted and I am excited for them! This weekend (the 16th and 17th), the Familia Abrego will be baptized and confirmed! They have waited a full year! But they are finally ready! Today they got married! (We couldn't go because it was really far away, but they are happy!) But they are excited to be baptized!!

Other than that, we are just working hard! My companion is awesome! He is really nice and a lot like me! I have been blessed with really good companions in my mission! I love it!

But anyway, I love you all!!! Have an amazing week and make sure to enjoy that wonderful spring weather! I want to go boating if possible when I get back haha...so find me a boat to use for the day! Deal?? I love you all!!!!


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Week 93 (03/04/2013) - New investigators and new mission


Les quiero mucho! Gracias por todos sus correos y su amor! 

Hey guys! I love you all! I hope that everyone has had a great week this week! This last week has been great here! We have been working with a lot of different, new families! I love it! We got a bunch of members to give us references a few weeks ago and they are giving us a lot of help. We are teaching a family called the Familia Mendoza - it is a mom and dad and their two kids (one is baptismal age!) and they are great! Then, we are also teaching the Familia Anton - its the mom and dad and one little 8 year old girl. We are also teaching a new lady and her son - the Familia Garcias! They are all so cool and so positive! I was going to send you pictures of them today, but for some reason they won't download onto the email! But maybe next week...sorry! I am excited for each of them! The Familia Abrego will be baptized on the 16th of this month and then the rest that I mentioned probably in April! It's going to be great!

So, last night I took a shower that for the first time in my whole mission, made me really, really cold! haha It was sooo cold! I felt like it had ice in it and it was great! I love cold!

I forgot to mention a cool announcement last week! Our mission is going to be split in July! It's really cool! Our mission will give 3 stakes to a new El Salvador San Salvador West Mission! It will be cool! And then our mission, El Salvador San Salvador East Mission will still be with President Glazier! It will be cool! I am excited to see how things turn out after my mission! We should have a lot more missionaries and it will be really awesome! I love missoinary work! I know that it is guided by revalation from God. I know that Christ allows us to repent and better ourselves! I love that God's plan allows us to change and come closer to Him.

I love you all! I hope that you all have an awesome week! I love you so much! Stay close to God in your prayers and scripture study! I love you all!!


Monday, February 25, 2013

Week 92 (02/25/2013) - New companion and upcoming sealing!

Hey family!

How are you guys all doing today? I love you all!

So, this week has been an awesome week! I got a new companion this last week! He is a new elder so I am his first companion and I am training again! His name is Elder Silva, he is from Quito, Ecuador in South America! He is awesome! He loves to work and was baptized just 2 years ago! Can you guys imagine that? He was baptized right before I started my mission and he is on his mission now! He's awesome though! I love working with him and he is excited to work and is full of faith! This last week we had a lot of new people come to church! The members are working a lot here and it is helping us to get a lot of new investigators that are really positive! I love it!

We are working hard with the Familia Parada Ortiz! On Saturday, the dad said that he wouldn't be able to go to church yesterday but he promised us that he would go next week! He has never been, but he always told us that he wasn't sure if he wanted to go or not! But now he promised us! Everyone pray for him to help him go this next week! I am excited for them I hope that they are able to be baptized in the next month or so!

My companion is awesome though! I will be training him and the training program lasts 12 weeks so I will be with him here in Gotera until the end of my mission! I will only have 3 areas???? Crazy! That's awesome!

So, guess what guys?! The Familia Chicas will be sealed in the temple soon!!! WOOOO my recommend expires at the end of February so I came to San Salvador (4 hours away) to have it renewed so that 1) I'm never without a current recommend and 2) so that I can go next month to the sealing! It's going to be so cool! I haven't heard the exact date yet, but the elders that are serving there told me that in March they are planning to be sealed! Yay!

Anyway family, that's about it! I love it here! I am happy and we are working hard here! Thank you all so much for all your letters and love! I love hearing from each of you and can't wait to see you all soon! I love you all so much!!!


Monday, February 18, 2013

Week 91 (02/18/13) - Baptism and the new house

Baptism of Lennyz Parada Ortiz

Elder Woodfield's current Zone
A picture of a semi-truck we saw the other day coming down the road! That is a normal sight here! They love putting lights on their cars! haha it's funny!!!
Hey family!!!

Hey everyone! How is good old Utah right now? Is it pretty snowy still?? Wow, its already going towards the end of February - time is flying! Winter is almost over, right? I don't even remember when it gets warm again...March? April? I just remember that on my birthday, I can normally wear shorts, right? Cool, though! Well, time is flying! It's crazy! Here is the exact same! It's been slightly windy lately, which is nice! But it is always hot! There are changes this week, so we might have changes! I am hoping for changes, but at the same time, I just want what the Lord wants! It will be good either way! More than likely if I am changed, this change will be my last area! And if I don't change I will probably stay here till the end of my mission! We should see though!

This week was great! We had a baptism for the Familia Parada Ortiz! The daughter Lennyz (pronounced lenis) was baptized this last week! She has been progressing well and wants to go on a mission next year. But her Mom and Dad and Brothers and Sisters are progressing a little slower. Several want to be baptized, they are just working through several problems and still have to wait a little bit! But it is good! They are really, really happy that she was baptized and they are working their way there as well!

So, also this week as I mentioned last Monday, we changed houses! I love the new house! We are living about 5 minutes away from where we used to live but the new house is so much more private and it is was painted just before we moved in so it looks almost like a new house! It's nice! haha

That's about all the new stuff for this week! We have been working a lot and just having fun! It's been an awesome change and I love missionary work! I love it here!!!

I love you all and hope that everyone is happy at home! It's going well here! Love it!

Love you all!!!


Monday, February 11, 2013

Week 90 (02/11/13) - Baptism of Hermano Julio Rivas

Hey family! 

How is everyone doing today? I love you all! Thanks for the emails this week! I love hearing from or about each of you! It's the best to get emails and hear how much snow we have gotten this year! It sounds like it has been the best snow year in several years!

So anyway, this week we had a baptism!! We are still waiting for the City Hall to let us know of the date for the Abrego Familia's wedding! But Hermano Julio Rivas was baptized! I got to baptize and confirm him! I love the picture that I attached. We are so happy and he looks almost mad! haha...he wanted to be baptized but he was sooooo nervous! He got there on time and was almost hiding in the corner! He said that he wanted to be baptized with no one there! haha but kind of bad luck for him, right before the baptism, the Relief Society and the Primary had an activity, so everyone was there! There were more people than normal at the baptism! haha but as he went under the water and came up, he had the hugest smile on his face! We went to the bathroom to change and I could tell that all the nerves were gone and he just felt peaceful! I am so happy for him! He is a lot happier now that the baptism is over and he is really excited!!

Anyway, so there are some pictures but this morning we changed houses! Our old house had some issues with the neighbors, they could see into our house! haha but this new house is a lot better! We are living above the house of a member in the second floor and it is really nice! There are some pictures attached of all our stuff piled up in the new house! I love it there! It will be a lot more comfortable and private now! I am happy about the move.

Good news! There is now a pizza place here in Gotera! Before there wasn't one! haha

Anyway, apart from that, I just want to let you all know how much I love you! I can't wait to be able to talk to each of you soon! I have so much I want to tell you all but it is so hard to get all my thoughts written down sometimes! But just know that all my memories and thoughts are in my mind and I will talk to you all really soon! Time flies!

I love you all! Thank you so much for the emails and the love this week! I can't wait to read all your responses for next week!!!


P.S. That is so cool that Dale is a Bishop and that Barry and Sharon were called as Mission Presidents! I am so excited for them! Tell me where Barry and Sharon are called to serve in!

I love you all!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Week 89 (02/05/2013) - Multizone and upcoming baptisms!

Hey Everyone!

How is everyone doing today? I love you all! Thanks for all that you do for me and for your love! We have had a great week here! We should be having a couple of baptisms in the next couple weeks! One this Saturday, Hno. Julio Rivas and then, the Familia Abrego got their papers in this last week! They should be getting married and baptized in the next couple of weeks as well! YAY! I love missionary work. It's great!

Sorry I didn't write yesterday! I completely forgot that I had to write you guys about that last Monday! But yesterday we had a Multizone in the morning with President and another zone! There were 48 missionaries there and it was great! We learned a lot about the need for obedience and how obedience leads us to faith! They talked about how as we are obedient, even if we don't know why we need to be obedient,  but we have a desire to gain faith and we love God, that through our obedience we can recieve the blessings of faith and belief. I realized how important obedience is! There are so many little things that require our personal obedience! As we work hard to be obedient to love God we can understand the principle! I will have to send you guys the talk! It's short but it is really good! Isn't it better to be obedient and to be going against the "norms" of the world than to be disobedient and have a destructive affect on our faith and on the blessings that God has for us? I love the gospel! I know that God is ready to bless us but that he needs us to do what he says! Leaving things behind and bettering ourselves everyday!

Also, this last week we have been working hard! I have started reading through Doctrine and Covenants this week! It is so cool! I love how much it talks about missionary work and the start of the church! The church is perfect! So many people want to destroy it and will do anything to take it down but God won't let it happen. We must truly look for a testimony of the Spirit and not of the world! I love the Gospel!

Love you all! I hope that everyone is happy and well! Keep reading the scriptures everyday! I love you all!

Love you,

Monday, January 28, 2013

Week 88 (01/28/2013) - A simple, good missionary week

Hola Familia!

Como estan?!

Hey guys! How is everyone doing? I love you all so much! I am so hot right now! It's almost the hottest time of year! haha I wish it was snowing here!! Haha but anyway, enough about weather haha I always talk about weather! How is everyone doing today? I love you all!

This week has been so good! We have been working so hard with all of our investigators! We are getting close to having a baptismal date with the Familia Parada Ortiz! They are awesome people but the dad is a little bit hard to get to church! But we are going along with them! Julio has a baptismal date for the 9th and Hector Miguel has a pretty sure date for the 16th! We hope that all goes well with all of them! Keep praying for each of them!

So, yesterday our new Branch President wanted to go and learn where the members lived! So after church, we went with him for like 4 hours visiting a ton of people! Our Branch president is so cool! He is so nice, so humble, and extremely intelligent! He is a doctor but not just a normal doctor, some kind of specialist that I don't know what it is exactly but he is really, really smart! haha He is so loving and hard working! The branch is going to grow soooo fast with him constantly here instead of missionaries that change every 6 months! They are already responding really well to the new branch presidency! I'ts awesome!

So, it has been really quite nice to not have any other responsibilities other than being a normal missionary! It's awesome! We study a lot and have so much time to focus about each of our investigators! I feel focused and happy! I love it here! I have been learning a lot this week about a lot of different topics! We study a lot for our investigators and it helps us to grow too! I have a new favorite chapter in the Book of Mormon! It's 2 Nephi 4 - I love it! Nephi talks about how he just feels so laden down having so many follies and faults and he prays to let God help him! I love one of the verses (not sure what it says exactly in English because Spanish is a little different) but in verse 19 says, "I know who I put my trust in." I like that a lot! If we truly put our trust in the Lord and trust that we need him, and know that we are so imperfect but he still loves us, we can have the happiness that he talks about too! I love it!

Anyway, I have had an awesome week! I hope that all of your weeks have been just as good! Stay happy! Never forget how much I love you all! Stay close, remember to read your scriptures, and pray everyday! Without it, you cannot become all that God wants us to become!

I love you all!!!


Monday, January 21, 2013

Week 87 (01/21/13) - Released as Branch President - lots of changes!

Hey family!

How is everyone doing today? I miss and love you all!! It sounds like winter is pretty exciting up there in Utah! I love seeing pictures and hearing how everyone is doing! It sounds like it has been a really good winter with a lot of snow and cold weather! We have had a lot of fun stuff happen here! I love it!

So, this week we had a big change! They released me as Branch President! Sorry I didn't tell you all about it sooner! I knew I was going to be released yesterday, but I was told it was confidencial haha so I couldn't tell anyone! But yeah! Yesterday, I was released and they put in Presidente Ricardo Hernandez as President of the Rama! Everyone was so happy! It was so cool! So, this last week we have been doing a lot to prepare for the change! I wanted to leave the branch in a good state to be able to help the new Branch President! We have been cleaning the chapel, making lists of the organizations in the branch, sending emails to inform President Glazier of the changes and ordinations that needed to be done, making phone lists for the new branch presidency...lots of stuff! And then Sunday morning, President Glazier came to the branch and he did a bunch of interviews! We had Sacrament Meeting and he presented them, and me and my companion and our one counselor (he was also released), went and sat in the audience! It was fun! Then afterward, President had a bunch more interviews with members and he talked to the youth about missionary service! It was kind of funny because he was talking about how to serve a mission, you need to have a soft heart and a desire to learn, and then he said, "Come here, Elder Woodfield." So, I went and stood by him and (you have to know that what I'm about write is something normal that President does to leave a lasting affect in his lessons haha)... but I went and stood by him and he said, "Elder Woodfield has a soft heart and he isn't an example of someone that needs to do this, but to serve a mission..." He smacked me on the chest by the heart. "You need... *smack* to, *smack* soften, *smack* your, *smack* heart..." *smack* He hit me right in front of all the youth! haha it was funny! It wasn't necessarily to "hit" me, but to make the point that you need to soften your heart! haha president is really funny sometimes! When he did that, all the youth like freaked out! They thought that he was really hurting me (which it didn't really hurt) but they definitely got the point! They were all really excited and want to serve missions! It was a good lesson! haha

Then after church, he set apart the new Branch Presidency and gave a few members the Melchizedek Priesthood! He even interviewed and passed Hermano Miguel Angel for the Melchizedek Priesthood! He will be getting it in 2 weeks! It's going to be sweet! I love that guy! He is so awesome!!!

But anyway, it was a week full of lots of exciting events! It's exciting to be a normal missionary for a bit! Everyone thinks that I will be getting changed at the end of February now that I'm not the Branch President so, we'll see!

Also, this week my companion and I got really sick! I woke up in the middle of the night and was throwing up and then we were in the bathroom allllllll dayyyyyyy long! haha it stunk! We got sick Thursday night, Friday morning, and we didn't leave the house until like 6 o'clock Friday night! It stunk! But we are doing a lot better now! We think that we ate somethimg that was bad! haha but we are doing well ;)

Anyway, I love you all! I hope that you are all doing well! Stay happy everyone!


Monday, January 14, 2013

Week 86 (01/14/12) - Familias and heat

How are you guys?! I love you all!

Sorry I'm writing so late today! We got here and then all the missionaries wanted to go and celebrate a birthday, so we went and ate at this one place called Buffalo Wild Wings! It was really good! It was like a nice version of Wingers! I ate chicken strips with spicy sauce and really good french fries! I loved it!

So, I am so jealous of all of you! You guys get to hang out in the cold! It has been EXTREMELY hot lately! Like over 110 some days with a bunch of humidity! Crazy how different the temperatures are! Anyway, all has been going great out here! So, as you have all noticed Elder Fitzgerald and I have been together for about 3 months now! And guess what?! Today they told us we will be together another change! That will be so cool! I love working with Elder Fitzgerald! We will defenitely be hanging out after our missions! I love it.

Anyway, this week has been really good! We have been working hard to get the Familia Abrego their paper! I hate papers haha...but it's in the process still! Then, we have Miguel Angel's son that is progressing well! He should be ready by the end of the month! Then you have Julio Alvarez, he's awesome! I don't know if i have mentioned him before! He is an investigator that we found a long time ago but then just disappeared  We never could find him in his house! But one day, we were passing by and there he was! So we started teaching him again and he is really positive! He has a lot of desire to learn and come closer to Christ! I love them! But then we also have the Familia Parada Ortiz! They are awesome! They were a reference from a member! They have a cool story!

The mom, Maria, told us the other day that for some months she has been trying to put her life in order and put Christ more firmly in it. She has been reading a lot of the Bible, but she didn't know exactly what to do! Then she said that one day she prayed and prayed and asked God to send her someone to help her and her family, (her daughters were really rebellious  and she said that she dreamed that night that 3 guys would come to her house...the next day Guillermo (a member in our branch) took us to meet them and my Companion, Guillermo and I all went to the house! We walked up and taught them and they accepted us! Ever since then, they have been progressing a lot! The only little problem is the Dad. He really likes what we teach he is just a bit shy and hasn't gone to church yet! Make sure you all pray for him to help him come to church! I love that family! They are so cool!

Anyway, I love my mission! I love all of you! Thank you all so much for emailing me and sending me letters! I love getting letters! You guys are all the best!


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Week 85 (01/07/2013) - Lots of pictures, Christmas package, New Years, and success!

A picture of Miguel Angel's ex-wife and 3 kids! The oldest son is 10 years old and we are going to be baptizing him at the end of this month! 
Me and a giant leaf I found on the ground!
Me opening my chocolate orange christmas morning! I think its funny how asleep I look! haha 
Me and the Choir I directed haha so funny I do not lead well! haha I learned in the MTC
My companion and I watching dishes with Miguel Angel's ex-wife

Braden opening his Christmas package...

Braden's picture to Lizzie :) "Kissing" under the mistletoe!

Hola familia! I love you all!

How have you all been? I hope that all is going well up there in good old Utah! It sounds like it has been absolutely cold up there! haha I love the cold! I am just enjoying it so much sitting right now underneath the air conditioner! It's great! It has been extra hot here lately! I have been sweating to death! By the end of the day, I get to my house and my hair is just completely frizzy from sweat and humidity! haha it's great!

So this week we have had a lot of good experiences! We had a fun New Years! On New Year's Eve, we went to a family's house and just had a really calm, fun night! We played charades and ate tomales! It was fun! Then, we went back to the house and drank some cream soda! haha not going to lie, I didn't make it to midnight! I fell asleep at like 10:15! haha I'm lame, I know. But I will be more alive next year! haha

Then, throughout this week, we have been working hard! We've found a really cool family called the Familia Koreas! They are so cool! They absolutely love the BOM and are reading a lot of it! They haven't been able to go to church yet for a few problems that they have had with family visiting from the States but they really want to go! But we are also teaching Miguel Angel's son! He has been to church about 8 times now! He really likes it and should be baptized at the end of the month! It is fun to teach! We have been having a lot of success here lately! Thank you for all your prayers! They are working. I am really grateful that we have been led to find so many positive people! I love it!

Anyway, that's about it from this week! I sent a bunch of pictures this week! I hope that you like them all! Thank you all so much for my package I loved it so much! It is the best package yet! I loved the book and the tie and all the candy! WOOO! Thank you all so much! I love you all!

Thanks for everything, family! I love you all!!!


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Week 84 - Happy New Year! Christmas party, release date, and the Spirit

Hello Familia!

I love you all so much! This week has been such a good week! I love Christmas! It is amazing to be able to think of Christ and His love for us! I love Him and see His hand in every moment!

This week has been awesome! We did a lot of stuff! Monday night, as I told you guys on Tuesday, I had 4 dinners! I ate so much food and it was awesome! Tuesda, I talked to all of you and then we went and gave a few presents to the leaders in our branch and visited a few people! Then Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, we had to help and organize the Christmas dinner! The dinner was on Saturday afternoon and we had a few things that we did! First off was a Santa Clause! A lady in our ward made a Santa costume and then my companion was Santa Clause! He walked in and all the kids like freaked out and were all excited! We gave them each a little present! My companion made a good Santa Clause but everyone knew it was him because of his Gringo accent! haha but it was fun! But then we had a little nativity presentation where the youth of our branch put on a little play. My companion and I were 2 of the wise men that came to him! It was fun! (By the way, we have pictures of all of this but we have to get them from a member because the day was so crazy, I couldn't take any pictures!) But anyway, then after that the youth sang a bunch of Christmas songs they put together! And guess what?! (Mom, you're not going to believe this). I was the Director of the little choir! haha I directed them and everything! haha funny right? Anyway, we had very little time to practice the hymns but they did a really good job at it! I loved it! It was really fun but also a spiritual activity! We ate chicken sandwiches (a Salvadorian classic on Christmas!) but it was just a lot of fun!

I loved talking to each of you this last Tuesday! You all look so good! It was great just to chat and get to say hi! I hope you all loved it as much as I did! I found out for sure when I will be going home! It's not like my official release date but it is a week before like you thought it was! I will probably be home like the 16th of May! Like a week after Mother's Day, right? I don't really know! haha but all is well! But let's not focus on me going home, haha let's live every moment and make the best of it! There is still lots to learn here and as well after I'm home, right? haha

So, I'm not too weird, am I guys? What do you think? Was a really weird on Skype this last week? haha Dont worry I'm not too weird!

So, I had a kind of cool/sad experience last night! We were visiting a member family, just stopping in to see how they were doing and they were kind of having a fight. They are a young married couple but have been having problems in their marriage. It was a cool expecience to be their Branch President and be able to help them. The Spirit truly does testify and help his established leaders when others are in need! I got to talk to them for about an hour and a half about their lives and did my best to help them! It is a work in progress but I feel like the Spirit was there to help them and guide them! I love serving and helping others! Without the Lord, I wouldn't be able to do any of these things... I was thinking afterward, I never thought I would be able to council anyone, let alone a married couple, and I feel that the Spirit helps and guides us when we are in the situation that is necessary.

I love the gospel! It has blessed my life so much! Truly the only lasting joy in this life comes from the gospel and principles that are taught within it. All the most important things that we have are given to us by God. He is our loving Heavenly Father and is our guide in every aspect even if we don't realize it! I love learning of Him - know that he wants to help us in every way!

I love you all! I hope that you are all nice-n-happy and are having a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
