Monday, January 30, 2012

Week 36 (01/30/12) - Mango season!!!

Hey Family!!!
How are you all doing today?? Hope that the weather isn't too cold up there in Utah!!! Lizzie tells me that the weather in Africa is about like it is here in El Salvador!! hehe And guess what everyone?! This is the mango season here in El Salvador!! They eat mangos in every stage...from the time that they start to grow, to the time that they are really big and ripe! When they are small, they are green and slightly sour but they eat them with salt and jalapaño and they taste soooo good!!! I can't wait for the sweet ones though!!! They are sweet in like March so I'm stoked for March!!!
I am glad to get all your emails this week and hear that everyone is doing well!! Lizzie in Africa safe, Mom and Dad normal and good! Derek - straight A's and all! Kortnee still... being married and just everyone happy!! Well cool!
So this last weekend, we should have had a baptism but it didn't happen! Carlos drank coffee after we challenged him not to and so we have to wait a bit! He has changed so much! I love it!! We are still working with him but I think that he will be ready for this weekend!! All is good though!!!
This last weekend we had a multi-zone conference and it was great!! We learned a lot about the gospel of Jesus Christ and applying it to our lives! It was a really spiritual experience! We didn't talk about missionary work much but about our own personal conversion! We talked about people from the Book of Mormon who have personally recieved a conversion - like the Lamanites in 3 Nephi 6 and Captain Moroni. We talked about how we can become strengthened! It was great! I loved it! It helped me to realize and change a lot of things about my life! I love my mission! It is so great and helps me change so much! Maybe being at home and living a normal life doesn't allow the same amount of time but never forget to keep working on your testimony, never forget to read the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon, and say your prayers. I have had so many cool experiences this last week with prayer! At times, I feel like my prayers lost meaning, but when you really pray with your heart, you can have so much guidence in your life!!
Oh! I built a fence this week! Cool, eh? We had to dig the holes for the fence post with a metal rod that had a flat end... let's just say it took about 5 hours to dig 6 1-foot deep holes....who would have thought that you could take a post digger for granted, eh?? haha
Oh! I also got Lizzie's package this week! I have loved all of your packages so much!!! Thank you so much for all that you have sent me and done for me and the people here!! Mom, the young women in the ward loved the pencils! Everyone loves the smarties and everything that everyone sent!! I love it all!! I hope that you all liked my package!! 
Other than that, this week was pretty normal! Lots of missionary work and good stuff!! I will send some pictures next week because we are in a cyber that's a bit iffy, sound good??
LOVE you all!!!

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