Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Week 93 (03/04/2013) - New investigators and new mission


Les quiero mucho! Gracias por todos sus correos y su amor! 

Hey guys! I love you all! I hope that everyone has had a great week this week! This last week has been great here! We have been working with a lot of different, new families! I love it! We got a bunch of members to give us references a few weeks ago and they are giving us a lot of help. We are teaching a family called the Familia Mendoza - it is a mom and dad and their two kids (one is baptismal age!) and they are great! Then, we are also teaching the Familia Anton - its the mom and dad and one little 8 year old girl. We are also teaching a new lady and her son - the Familia Garcias! They are all so cool and so positive! I was going to send you pictures of them today, but for some reason they won't download onto the email! But maybe next week...sorry! I am excited for each of them! The Familia Abrego will be baptized on the 16th of this month and then the rest that I mentioned probably in April! It's going to be great!

So, last night I took a shower that for the first time in my whole mission, made me really, really cold! haha It was sooo cold! I felt like it had ice in it and it was great! I love cold!

I forgot to mention a cool announcement last week! Our mission is going to be split in July! It's really cool! Our mission will give 3 stakes to a new El Salvador San Salvador West Mission! It will be cool! And then our mission, El Salvador San Salvador East Mission will still be with President Glazier! It will be cool! I am excited to see how things turn out after my mission! We should have a lot more missionaries and it will be really awesome! I love missoinary work! I know that it is guided by revalation from God. I know that Christ allows us to repent and better ourselves! I love that God's plan allows us to change and come closer to Him.

I love you all! I hope that you all have an awesome week! I love you so much! Stay close to God in your prayers and scripture study! I love you all!!


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