Monday, February 25, 2013

Week 92 (02/25/2013) - New companion and upcoming sealing!

Hey family!

How are you guys all doing today? I love you all!

So, this week has been an awesome week! I got a new companion this last week! He is a new elder so I am his first companion and I am training again! His name is Elder Silva, he is from Quito, Ecuador in South America! He is awesome! He loves to work and was baptized just 2 years ago! Can you guys imagine that? He was baptized right before I started my mission and he is on his mission now! He's awesome though! I love working with him and he is excited to work and is full of faith! This last week we had a lot of new people come to church! The members are working a lot here and it is helping us to get a lot of new investigators that are really positive! I love it!

We are working hard with the Familia Parada Ortiz! On Saturday, the dad said that he wouldn't be able to go to church yesterday but he promised us that he would go next week! He has never been, but he always told us that he wasn't sure if he wanted to go or not! But now he promised us! Everyone pray for him to help him go this next week! I am excited for them I hope that they are able to be baptized in the next month or so!

My companion is awesome though! I will be training him and the training program lasts 12 weeks so I will be with him here in Gotera until the end of my mission! I will only have 3 areas???? Crazy! That's awesome!

So, guess what guys?! The Familia Chicas will be sealed in the temple soon!!! WOOOO my recommend expires at the end of February so I came to San Salvador (4 hours away) to have it renewed so that 1) I'm never without a current recommend and 2) so that I can go next month to the sealing! It's going to be so cool! I haven't heard the exact date yet, but the elders that are serving there told me that in March they are planning to be sealed! Yay!

Anyway family, that's about it! I love it here! I am happy and we are working hard here! Thank you all so much for all your letters and love! I love hearing from each of you and can't wait to see you all soon! I love you all so much!!!


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