Monday, February 18, 2013

Week 91 (02/18/13) - Baptism and the new house

Baptism of Lennyz Parada Ortiz

Elder Woodfield's current Zone
A picture of a semi-truck we saw the other day coming down the road! That is a normal sight here! They love putting lights on their cars! haha it's funny!!!
Hey family!!!

Hey everyone! How is good old Utah right now? Is it pretty snowy still?? Wow, its already going towards the end of February - time is flying! Winter is almost over, right? I don't even remember when it gets warm again...March? April? I just remember that on my birthday, I can normally wear shorts, right? Cool, though! Well, time is flying! It's crazy! Here is the exact same! It's been slightly windy lately, which is nice! But it is always hot! There are changes this week, so we might have changes! I am hoping for changes, but at the same time, I just want what the Lord wants! It will be good either way! More than likely if I am changed, this change will be my last area! And if I don't change I will probably stay here till the end of my mission! We should see though!

This week was great! We had a baptism for the Familia Parada Ortiz! The daughter Lennyz (pronounced lenis) was baptized this last week! She has been progressing well and wants to go on a mission next year. But her Mom and Dad and Brothers and Sisters are progressing a little slower. Several want to be baptized, they are just working through several problems and still have to wait a little bit! But it is good! They are really, really happy that she was baptized and they are working their way there as well!

So, also this week as I mentioned last Monday, we changed houses! I love the new house! We are living about 5 minutes away from where we used to live but the new house is so much more private and it is was painted just before we moved in so it looks almost like a new house! It's nice! haha

That's about all the new stuff for this week! We have been working a lot and just having fun! It's been an awesome change and I love missionary work! I love it here!!!

I love you all and hope that everyone is happy at home! It's going well here! Love it!

Love you all!!!


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