Monday, January 14, 2013

Week 86 (01/14/12) - Familias and heat

How are you guys?! I love you all!

Sorry I'm writing so late today! We got here and then all the missionaries wanted to go and celebrate a birthday, so we went and ate at this one place called Buffalo Wild Wings! It was really good! It was like a nice version of Wingers! I ate chicken strips with spicy sauce and really good french fries! I loved it!

So, I am so jealous of all of you! You guys get to hang out in the cold! It has been EXTREMELY hot lately! Like over 110 some days with a bunch of humidity! Crazy how different the temperatures are! Anyway, all has been going great out here! So, as you have all noticed Elder Fitzgerald and I have been together for about 3 months now! And guess what?! Today they told us we will be together another change! That will be so cool! I love working with Elder Fitzgerald! We will defenitely be hanging out after our missions! I love it.

Anyway, this week has been really good! We have been working hard to get the Familia Abrego their paper! I hate papers haha...but it's in the process still! Then, we have Miguel Angel's son that is progressing well! He should be ready by the end of the month! Then you have Julio Alvarez, he's awesome! I don't know if i have mentioned him before! He is an investigator that we found a long time ago but then just disappeared  We never could find him in his house! But one day, we were passing by and there he was! So we started teaching him again and he is really positive! He has a lot of desire to learn and come closer to Christ! I love them! But then we also have the Familia Parada Ortiz! They are awesome! They were a reference from a member! They have a cool story!

The mom, Maria, told us the other day that for some months she has been trying to put her life in order and put Christ more firmly in it. She has been reading a lot of the Bible, but she didn't know exactly what to do! Then she said that one day she prayed and prayed and asked God to send her someone to help her and her family, (her daughters were really rebellious  and she said that she dreamed that night that 3 guys would come to her house...the next day Guillermo (a member in our branch) took us to meet them and my Companion, Guillermo and I all went to the house! We walked up and taught them and they accepted us! Ever since then, they have been progressing a lot! The only little problem is the Dad. He really likes what we teach he is just a bit shy and hasn't gone to church yet! Make sure you all pray for him to help him come to church! I love that family! They are so cool!

Anyway, I love my mission! I love all of you! Thank you all so much for emailing me and sending me letters! I love getting letters! You guys are all the best!


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