Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Week 85 (01/07/2013) - Lots of pictures, Christmas package, New Years, and success!

A picture of Miguel Angel's ex-wife and 3 kids! The oldest son is 10 years old and we are going to be baptizing him at the end of this month! 
Me and a giant leaf I found on the ground!
Me opening my chocolate orange christmas morning! I think its funny how asleep I look! haha 
Me and the Choir I directed haha so funny I do not lead well! haha I learned in the MTC
My companion and I watching dishes with Miguel Angel's ex-wife

Braden opening his Christmas package...

Braden's picture to Lizzie :) "Kissing" under the mistletoe!

Hola familia! I love you all!

How have you all been? I hope that all is going well up there in good old Utah! It sounds like it has been absolutely cold up there! haha I love the cold! I am just enjoying it so much sitting right now underneath the air conditioner! It's great! It has been extra hot here lately! I have been sweating to death! By the end of the day, I get to my house and my hair is just completely frizzy from sweat and humidity! haha it's great!

So this week we have had a lot of good experiences! We had a fun New Years! On New Year's Eve, we went to a family's house and just had a really calm, fun night! We played charades and ate tomales! It was fun! Then, we went back to the house and drank some cream soda! haha not going to lie, I didn't make it to midnight! I fell asleep at like 10:15! haha I'm lame, I know. But I will be more alive next year! haha

Then, throughout this week, we have been working hard! We've found a really cool family called the Familia Koreas! They are so cool! They absolutely love the BOM and are reading a lot of it! They haven't been able to go to church yet for a few problems that they have had with family visiting from the States but they really want to go! But we are also teaching Miguel Angel's son! He has been to church about 8 times now! He really likes it and should be baptized at the end of the month! It is fun to teach! We have been having a lot of success here lately! Thank you for all your prayers! They are working. I am really grateful that we have been led to find so many positive people! I love it!

Anyway, that's about it from this week! I sent a bunch of pictures this week! I hope that you like them all! Thank you all so much for my package I loved it so much! It is the best package yet! I loved the book and the tie and all the candy! WOOO! Thank you all so much! I love you all!

Thanks for everything, family! I love you all!!!


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