Monday, April 15, 2013

Week 99 (04/15/2013) - Baptisms, stories, and home


How is everyone doing today?! I love you all! We have had a great week here! We have been working hard with a lot of our investigators and we are working towards baptism for several of them! But I decided, like some of you are doing, to keep all the stories secret until I am home hehe :) Isn't it funny that all my mission we tell stories and stuff but there are some stories or letters that just can't contain what we want them to contain, so instead of writing them, we just plan on waiting until I get home?? haha It will be good! We will have to be telling stories all night long! (thats if I can stay up past 10:30 haha we'll see!) But it will be good! Time is flying and I am working more than I ever have to take advantage of every minute! I love it!

So I was going to tell you guys that I wanted to go to the temple on the Friday morning after I get home if that is ok? Maybe we could go like at 7 am ish? And then afterward, like at 10 we could go and do baptisms with Lizzie and whoever else wants to come? I can't think of a better way to spend my first morning home than to be in the temple! I am excited to go to the temple! I love it there and I haven't had many opportunities to go while I have been here on my mission! So let's go Friday!

I am excited for this weekend! It should be a good weekend for baptisms but keep praying for us!

Also, as for the Saint George trip, we can just set the date when I am home! I don't really know what or where I need to be for school and stuff? But I really want to go to Saint George!

Can we go camping like the weekend after I get home too???

I love you all!!!

Stay close!


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