Monday, March 25, 2013

Week 96 (03/25/2013) - Challenging week and upcoming Easter (and cooking)!

Hola familia!

How is everyone today? I love you all! I wanted to tell you all thanks for your letters, love, and emails! I can't wait to get my package! Time is flying so fast, but it is going so well!!!

This week we had some challenges with our investigators: some were sick, some were out of town and some just had other problems. We only had 4 at church yesterday! We need all of your prayers to help them, so keep praying for them! But we are still really excited! We are going to be doing a lot to help them and get them to church this next week! It will be great!

Happy Birthday Anslee! Tell her Happy Birthday from me! I love that little girl!

Next birthday is Kalee's and I will be home for it! Woo! What are we going to do? Kalee, I say we go camping or something - what do you say? haha or maybe a bar-b-que? haha whatever works! let me know if you want me to do anything so I can start imagining the food in my mind of how I'm going to make it! haha

So guess what?! Our new branch president invited us to dinner at his house this next Sunday for Easter! His wife told me I had to cook...haha no complaints there! I still love cooking and I'm excited to do it! I just don't know what to cook yet! haha I will have to think about it this week! But Happy Easter this next Sunday! Buy some cadburry eggs for me! I love those things! Maybe you could buy a big bag and freeze them for me to eat when I get home?? haha

I have been thinking a lot this last week about my Savior and what He has done for me. This week to come is the rememberance of His last week of life. Thursday was when he gave the sacrament. That same night, He suffered and was tortured and killed the next day. When he died, he opened the work for the spirits in the spirit world! How amazing is the plan of God! And then on Sunday, He was ressurected to break the bands of death! How important and amazing was this sacrifice! If it wasn't for Him, we would be trapped forever in sin - we wouldn't be able to escape! God gave us the escape. He just asks us to follow Him and repent to recieve forgiveness. I love the atonement! In this coming week think of our Savior's sacrifice for us and apply it just a little more to your lives!

I love you all! I hope that you are all doing awesome! Remember I love you all and that I am here for you all! Stay close!!!


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