Thursday, November 17, 2011

Week 25 (11/17/11) - Salvadorian Volcano and the Temple!

We got more photos this week! Our missionary is doing so well! We are proud of him! See his weekly email below. P-day was on Thursday this week so we just heard from him. Enjoy!

Braden with another missionary from his zone visiting the volcano in San Salvador
Braden's Zone at the El Salvador Temple
Elder Woodfield, Elder Encarnacion (former companion), and Elder Hammond (current companion) 
Elder Hammond and Elder Woodfield at the volcano
Looking down to the valley at the El Salvador Temple
Beautiful sunset in San Salvador - I like to think it was sent just for me (Lizzie) ;) 
So pretty!! 
Cute missionary! 
Sarai and Mario's baptisms on Saturday, November 12. There is Sandra on the right by Elder Woodfield (why isn't he smiling?!).
Hello family! Hello everyone!

How are you all???

Lots of stuff to tell you from this last week and a half or so! It has been a very long time without a p-day, I must say! haha but anyway! Here we go!

First things first - this last Friday, we had a special activity with our Zone and the Mission President! He took us to the Volcano in San Salvador! It is a dormant volcano but it was so cool!!! We drove up there and had a blast just taking pictures and running around and playing! We hiked a bit to the top of the caldera (cone) and got to look down in and see it all! I will send a picture, and maybe a video if I can! It was so fun! Then, after that we went to the president’s house and got to eat a lot of food! That was way fun! It was just a really fun day and a treat because this last month as a Zone we baptized the most families in the mission cool huh?!?

So the next day, on Saturday, we had a baptism! 2 actually! I said that we were going to baptize Sarai and Mario, and maybe their mom if she could (she had problems with the law of chastity). Anyway, it went through! We got to baptize the two kids and we are baptizing the mom Sandra this Sunday!! Yay!!! I will send pictures! Anyway, so we went through this whole week just working like normal and then last night, we had divisions with the zone leaders and I was in my area with one of the zone leaders and we went to do an interview for Claudia (who will be baptized this weekend too!) At the same time, we found out that Sandra was ready too! It was sweet! This is what happened - Sandra has been having problems with a boyfriend and the law of chastity and we have been working with her to be worthy but it was taking time! And I was going to use the zone leaders help to help her out so we had an appointment with her. When we got there, she said she had been fighting with her boyfriend and they finally officially ended their relationship! She says, “Everything is settled and I am good!” I was like, “SWEET!” And we had her interview right then! She has been so ready for her baptism - the only problem was her boyfriend supported her with food and stuff but she finally had the faith to trust in God! I loved to be a part of her decision! I love her and her family so much! They are so strong and are so loving!!! I love to be here working with them!! Also, do you remember Claudia? She is another lady that we have been teaching for about 2 months? She finally made the decision to be baptized this next weekend! So we will have 2 more baptisms this next Sunday!!! I am so excited! Keep praying for them for me! I know you can love them as much as I do! In the picture of the baptism that I will send, it has a picture of Sandra who is getting baptized this weekend!

The last thing I have to say about this week is…the temple! We got to go to the temple this morning! IT WAS AMAZING!!!! If I could make the capitals on AMAZING bigger, they would be, trust me! I LOVE THE TEMPLE! There is SUCH a strong spirit of love and peace in the temple! And I just want to say…I hope that no one is taking the temple for granted. We can receive so many answers and find so much love there! Those that are worthy to go, should go and reap the blessings that are found there! Even if you are not endowed, you should still go do baptisms! It is so important to just go and serve!!! Anyway, I will send a couple other pictures of us at the temple (even though I took these pictures when I was going to the volcano on Friday last week and they aren’t from this morning they are basically the same right???? :))

I love you all!! I hope you are all doing so so well! I love reading all your emails every week! Thank you so much for the time you take to write and send them! I enjoy each one! Thank you so much for everything! I love you so much!!!  I pray for each and every one of you every night!

Love from LOURDES!

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