Monday, January 28, 2013

Week 88 (01/28/2013) - A simple, good missionary week

Hola Familia!

Como estan?!

Hey guys! How is everyone doing? I love you all so much! I am so hot right now! It's almost the hottest time of year! haha I wish it was snowing here!! Haha but anyway, enough about weather haha I always talk about weather! How is everyone doing today? I love you all!

This week has been so good! We have been working so hard with all of our investigators! We are getting close to having a baptismal date with the Familia Parada Ortiz! They are awesome people but the dad is a little bit hard to get to church! But we are going along with them! Julio has a baptismal date for the 9th and Hector Miguel has a pretty sure date for the 16th! We hope that all goes well with all of them! Keep praying for each of them!

So, yesterday our new Branch President wanted to go and learn where the members lived! So after church, we went with him for like 4 hours visiting a ton of people! Our Branch president is so cool! He is so nice, so humble, and extremely intelligent! He is a doctor but not just a normal doctor, some kind of specialist that I don't know what it is exactly but he is really, really smart! haha He is so loving and hard working! The branch is going to grow soooo fast with him constantly here instead of missionaries that change every 6 months! They are already responding really well to the new branch presidency! I'ts awesome!

So, it has been really quite nice to not have any other responsibilities other than being a normal missionary! It's awesome! We study a lot and have so much time to focus about each of our investigators! I feel focused and happy! I love it here! I have been learning a lot this week about a lot of different topics! We study a lot for our investigators and it helps us to grow too! I have a new favorite chapter in the Book of Mormon! It's 2 Nephi 4 - I love it! Nephi talks about how he just feels so laden down having so many follies and faults and he prays to let God help him! I love one of the verses (not sure what it says exactly in English because Spanish is a little different) but in verse 19 says, "I know who I put my trust in." I like that a lot! If we truly put our trust in the Lord and trust that we need him, and know that we are so imperfect but he still loves us, we can have the happiness that he talks about too! I love it!

Anyway, I have had an awesome week! I hope that all of your weeks have been just as good! Stay happy! Never forget how much I love you all! Stay close, remember to read your scriptures, and pray everyday! Without it, you cannot become all that God wants us to become!

I love you all!!!


1 comment:

  1. God Bless keep it up, I'm so proud of you and your fellow men. Such a good example to all.
