Monday, April 1, 2013

Week 97 - La Semana Santa

From another Elder in his zone, Elder Dinino, "I think he might win the "clean house contest" that is going on in the mission. haha...and he had 12 investigators at church yesterday which was super great!"

Hey Family!! Como están?

Hey! I love you guys! How are you are doing? Thanks so much for your emails today! I am so excited to hear that Scott got baptized! That makes me so happy! I love to see the process of change! So many people lose hope that others can change, but we all know that the Atonement changes others! It is so important that we never lose hope in others! I love the news! Also, Cameron is going to Finland! That sounds fun! I bet it is going to be cold up there, though! I love the cold but it would definitely be interesting to be a missionary in the cold! haha but he is going to absolutely love it up there! When does he leave? I am so glad that I get to see Hannah before she leaves! That is exciting too! Soo many people are going on missions - it's awesome! I am excited to see the way everyone has changed in the last 2 years!

This week has been a great week! We have been working with just about the same investigators and a lot of them came to church! The Familia Antón (Henry, Cristina, and Evelyn (7 years old)) is progressing well! Henry is from Nicaragua, so this week he is going there to get all his papers so they can be married! Also, the Familia Mendoza (José, Francisca, Kenia (8 years old), and Antonio (6 years old) are doing well and they are happy! They are all going to church and are enjoying it! The Family Parada Ortiz is progressing still too! The mom and the son have been going to church and the dad promised to go to conference this weekend! He has to stop smoking, so pray for him (his name is Hector)!  And also, José Manuel (the guy that can't talk) has been progressing so fast! He loves the church and is getting ready for baptism, too!

I love my mission!

We had an interesting week this last week! It was La Semana Santa - that's what they call Easter here but here, the traditions are absolutely different! They don't know anything about the Easter Bunny haha what they do are old Catholic traditions. They have huge groups of people that follow a group of people that are dressed in costumes to represent Jesus and the roman soldiers and everything. They act out His last 2 days of life! They show him walking with the cross and they carry a statue of dead Jesus to the catholic church and everything! It was interesting to see all of this from our house (our house is pretty much in the center of the city, so all that went on over the few days, we saw all of it) but its interesting and a bit disrespectful of the holiness of the event, but it's their tradition! haha anyway, it was a good week! Everyone in the country has the whole week off work, out of school, and everyone goes to the beach! haha so there weren't many people in their houses but we made the best of it!

I got the package you all sent me this week! I love it so much! IT'S AMAZING! I loved the candies and the food! It might just be the best package yet! Thank you all for the recording and the love that you sent! I loved hearing Anslee's voice! it's the first time I've heard her voice! She sounds so cute! I was smiling for like 10 minutes after I heard her! I love you guys! Thanks for my last Easter/Birthday package!

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you all, thanks for all you do! I love you all! I love that in this time of the year, we celebrate Christ's life and death. I am so grateful for what he did for each of us. I have been changed by his Atonement and I am so grateful that I have the oportunity to return to live with Him after this life! I just imagine myself passing through to see him and looking in His eyes and telling Him "Thank you so much..." and then hugging Him! I love my Savior, I am nothing without Him and I am so so glad that I can come close to Him. I love that He loved us so much that He provided the way to come back to Him.

I love you all! Stay close and keep the emails coming! (Letters maybe not anymore because they might not get here on time! haha) but anyway, I love you all!


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