Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Week 98 (04/08/13) - Conference, rewards, and Familia Parada Ortiz

Hola Familia!

Como están todos?!

I love you all! How has your week been this week?! I hope that everyone is doing well up there in Good old Utah! I am doing well here in El Salvador! This last week we had changes (other missionaries had changes, but I didn't) and I realized more than ever....wow! These are my last 6 weeks! As you all already know, it is bittersweet! But I am excited to finish strong!

We have had a lot of success this last week and there are a lot of investigators that are progressing! We have some baptismal interviews scheduled this week for some baptisms that will happen on the 21st of April! (like in 2 Sundays) We are excited and keep praying for us to have more and more success!

Guess what everyone?! So you all remember the Familia Parada Ortiz? Well, the whole family has been going to church for several months now! Lennyz was baptized in February but the rest of the family isn't baptized yet! But we had 2 changes this last week! The first, the son (Juan Hector Junior), acceped a baptismal date for the 21st of April! And also the dad (also Juan Hector but he is Juan Hector Senior) went to church for the first time ever on Saturday Night! He went to the Priesthood Session of the conference! I am still so so happy! We have been working so hard for him to go to church! I am so excited for him! We hope that he progresses and is able to be baptized before I go home! Pray for him!

Also today, we had a P-day activity with the President and Hna Glazier! We played games like mafia and the famous "Glazier name game" (I will teach it to you all when I'm home) and then we had a little water fight! It was fun! We all ate pizza and just had some fun! We had the P-day because we were the "most succesful zone" was last month! Woo hoo! It was fun!

Conference was awesome! I loved all the talks! Especially the talks about repentance and obedience! I learned a lot, but most of all I felt something really special as I was listening to each of the general authorities speak. I felt as if burden, pain, and confusion were lifted from me! I have learned a lot about the gospel on my mission but I still have so much to learn! And just hearing the talks gave me so much hope. I was reading in Ether 12 the other day and it talked about how we need to have faith for a better world. It is so true! Moroni also talked about that! Moroni being the last of his people, being the only one that still believed in and was firm towards Christ, said that "with faith we can look forward to have a better world." We can find peace in this life and in life after this. I loved that! I am grateful for profets today! I love them and I am grateful for their inspiring words!

I love you all! Stay close! Remember that I am here to help all of you in anything you need! I love you all!


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