Thursday, January 3, 2013

Week 84 - Happy New Year! Christmas party, release date, and the Spirit

Hello Familia!

I love you all so much! This week has been such a good week! I love Christmas! It is amazing to be able to think of Christ and His love for us! I love Him and see His hand in every moment!

This week has been awesome! We did a lot of stuff! Monday night, as I told you guys on Tuesday, I had 4 dinners! I ate so much food and it was awesome! Tuesda, I talked to all of you and then we went and gave a few presents to the leaders in our branch and visited a few people! Then Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, we had to help and organize the Christmas dinner! The dinner was on Saturday afternoon and we had a few things that we did! First off was a Santa Clause! A lady in our ward made a Santa costume and then my companion was Santa Clause! He walked in and all the kids like freaked out and were all excited! We gave them each a little present! My companion made a good Santa Clause but everyone knew it was him because of his Gringo accent! haha but it was fun! But then we had a little nativity presentation where the youth of our branch put on a little play. My companion and I were 2 of the wise men that came to him! It was fun! (By the way, we have pictures of all of this but we have to get them from a member because the day was so crazy, I couldn't take any pictures!) But anyway, then after that the youth sang a bunch of Christmas songs they put together! And guess what?! (Mom, you're not going to believe this). I was the Director of the little choir! haha I directed them and everything! haha funny right? Anyway, we had very little time to practice the hymns but they did a really good job at it! I loved it! It was really fun but also a spiritual activity! We ate chicken sandwiches (a Salvadorian classic on Christmas!) but it was just a lot of fun!

I loved talking to each of you this last Tuesday! You all look so good! It was great just to chat and get to say hi! I hope you all loved it as much as I did! I found out for sure when I will be going home! It's not like my official release date but it is a week before like you thought it was! I will probably be home like the 16th of May! Like a week after Mother's Day, right? I don't really know! haha but all is well! But let's not focus on me going home, haha let's live every moment and make the best of it! There is still lots to learn here and as well after I'm home, right? haha

So, I'm not too weird, am I guys? What do you think? Was a really weird on Skype this last week? haha Dont worry I'm not too weird!

So, I had a kind of cool/sad experience last night! We were visiting a member family, just stopping in to see how they were doing and they were kind of having a fight. They are a young married couple but have been having problems in their marriage. It was a cool expecience to be their Branch President and be able to help them. The Spirit truly does testify and help his established leaders when others are in need! I got to talk to them for about an hour and a half about their lives and did my best to help them! It is a work in progress but I feel like the Spirit was there to help them and guide them! I love serving and helping others! Without the Lord, I wouldn't be able to do any of these things... I was thinking afterward, I never thought I would be able to council anyone, let alone a married couple, and I feel that the Spirit helps and guides us when we are in the situation that is necessary.

I love the gospel! It has blessed my life so much! Truly the only lasting joy in this life comes from the gospel and principles that are taught within it. All the most important things that we have are given to us by God. He is our loving Heavenly Father and is our guide in every aspect even if we don't realize it! I love learning of Him - know that he wants to help us in every way!

I love you all! I hope that you are all nice-n-happy and are having a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


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