Monday, March 18, 2013

Week 95 (03/18/2013) - Baptism of Familia Abregos!

Baptism of Familia Abregos

Braden and his companion

Hey everyone!

How is everyone doing?? I have had a great week here and it sounds like everyone else is doing well too! I love you all! I attached a picture of the Familia Abregos baptism! They are so excited! I love it! They are happy and well! They finally were able to get married and they are doing great!

This week, we have been working with a lot of the same people! We had a bunch of people at church again and they are progressing well!! Thank you so much for all your prayers! They are helping them out so much! I have seen so many miracles in these past months and I know that God has his hand in every part of it! It is not just that the gospel helps people, it changes people. I know that it is so powerful! God does exist and he loves each of us! He is preparing each of us in our own specific way to become better - we just need to be humble to accept his preparation! The scriptures guide us, sincere prayer gives us revelation and comfort. I know that our investigators that are doing these things will feel the gospel! There is no trick, there is no secret, there is just the Spirit. If we can teach with the Spirit, they accept and they grow and change! I love it!

Apart from that, we have been working well with the branch! It is fun to see the growth! This week 85 people came to church! That is more than we have ever had in Gotera (in my time here at least) and I loved to see that our little chapel was filled up to the back wall! (My companion and I were standing outside the doors because it was too full :) The Lord is the cause of this! He touches the hearts of so many! and I am so grateful that I can be apart of it here! It's awesome!

I am grateful to be a missionary at this time! It is the best! Thanks for all your love! Tell James hi for me! And Thomas as well in a week or so??? Anyway, just send my love to all the good old Utahns up there!

I love you all!!!


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