Monday, January 21, 2013

Week 87 (01/21/13) - Released as Branch President - lots of changes!

Hey family!

How is everyone doing today? I miss and love you all!! It sounds like winter is pretty exciting up there in Utah! I love seeing pictures and hearing how everyone is doing! It sounds like it has been a really good winter with a lot of snow and cold weather! We have had a lot of fun stuff happen here! I love it!

So, this week we had a big change! They released me as Branch President! Sorry I didn't tell you all about it sooner! I knew I was going to be released yesterday, but I was told it was confidencial haha so I couldn't tell anyone! But yeah! Yesterday, I was released and they put in Presidente Ricardo Hernandez as President of the Rama! Everyone was so happy! It was so cool! So, this last week we have been doing a lot to prepare for the change! I wanted to leave the branch in a good state to be able to help the new Branch President! We have been cleaning the chapel, making lists of the organizations in the branch, sending emails to inform President Glazier of the changes and ordinations that needed to be done, making phone lists for the new branch presidency...lots of stuff! And then Sunday morning, President Glazier came to the branch and he did a bunch of interviews! We had Sacrament Meeting and he presented them, and me and my companion and our one counselor (he was also released), went and sat in the audience! It was fun! Then afterward, President had a bunch more interviews with members and he talked to the youth about missionary service! It was kind of funny because he was talking about how to serve a mission, you need to have a soft heart and a desire to learn, and then he said, "Come here, Elder Woodfield." So, I went and stood by him and (you have to know that what I'm about write is something normal that President does to leave a lasting affect in his lessons haha)... but I went and stood by him and he said, "Elder Woodfield has a soft heart and he isn't an example of someone that needs to do this, but to serve a mission..." He smacked me on the chest by the heart. "You need... *smack* to, *smack* soften, *smack* your, *smack* heart..." *smack* He hit me right in front of all the youth! haha it was funny! It wasn't necessarily to "hit" me, but to make the point that you need to soften your heart! haha president is really funny sometimes! When he did that, all the youth like freaked out! They thought that he was really hurting me (which it didn't really hurt) but they definitely got the point! They were all really excited and want to serve missions! It was a good lesson! haha

Then after church, he set apart the new Branch Presidency and gave a few members the Melchizedek Priesthood! He even interviewed and passed Hermano Miguel Angel for the Melchizedek Priesthood! He will be getting it in 2 weeks! It's going to be sweet! I love that guy! He is so awesome!!!

But anyway, it was a week full of lots of exciting events! It's exciting to be a normal missionary for a bit! Everyone thinks that I will be getting changed at the end of February now that I'm not the Branch President so, we'll see!

Also, this week my companion and I got really sick! I woke up in the middle of the night and was throwing up and then we were in the bathroom allllllll dayyyyyyy long! haha it stunk! We got sick Thursday night, Friday morning, and we didn't leave the house until like 6 o'clock Friday night! It stunk! But we are doing a lot better now! We think that we ate somethimg that was bad! haha but we are doing well ;)

Anyway, I love you all! I hope that you are all doing well! Stay happy everyone!


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