Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Week 89 (02/05/2013) - Multizone and upcoming baptisms!

Hey Everyone!

How is everyone doing today? I love you all! Thanks for all that you do for me and for your love! We have had a great week here! We should be having a couple of baptisms in the next couple weeks! One this Saturday, Hno. Julio Rivas and then, the Familia Abrego got their papers in this last week! They should be getting married and baptized in the next couple of weeks as well! YAY! I love missionary work. It's great!

Sorry I didn't write yesterday! I completely forgot that I had to write you guys about that last Monday! But yesterday we had a Multizone in the morning with President and another zone! There were 48 missionaries there and it was great! We learned a lot about the need for obedience and how obedience leads us to faith! They talked about how as we are obedient, even if we don't know why we need to be obedient,  but we have a desire to gain faith and we love God, that through our obedience we can recieve the blessings of faith and belief. I realized how important obedience is! There are so many little things that require our personal obedience! As we work hard to be obedient to love God we can understand the principle! I will have to send you guys the talk! It's short but it is really good! Isn't it better to be obedient and to be going against the "norms" of the world than to be disobedient and have a destructive affect on our faith and on the blessings that God has for us? I love the gospel! I know that God is ready to bless us but that he needs us to do what he says! Leaving things behind and bettering ourselves everyday!

Also, this last week we have been working hard! I have started reading through Doctrine and Covenants this week! It is so cool! I love how much it talks about missionary work and the start of the church! The church is perfect! So many people want to destroy it and will do anything to take it down but God won't let it happen. We must truly look for a testimony of the Spirit and not of the world! I love the Gospel!

Love you all! I hope that everyone is happy and well! Keep reading the scriptures everyday! I love you all!

Love you,

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