Monday, February 11, 2013

Week 90 (02/11/13) - Baptism of Hermano Julio Rivas

Hey family! 

How is everyone doing today? I love you all! Thanks for the emails this week! I love hearing from or about each of you! It's the best to get emails and hear how much snow we have gotten this year! It sounds like it has been the best snow year in several years!

So anyway, this week we had a baptism!! We are still waiting for the City Hall to let us know of the date for the Abrego Familia's wedding! But Hermano Julio Rivas was baptized! I got to baptize and confirm him! I love the picture that I attached. We are so happy and he looks almost mad! haha...he wanted to be baptized but he was sooooo nervous! He got there on time and was almost hiding in the corner! He said that he wanted to be baptized with no one there! haha but kind of bad luck for him, right before the baptism, the Relief Society and the Primary had an activity, so everyone was there! There were more people than normal at the baptism! haha but as he went under the water and came up, he had the hugest smile on his face! We went to the bathroom to change and I could tell that all the nerves were gone and he just felt peaceful! I am so happy for him! He is a lot happier now that the baptism is over and he is really excited!!

Anyway, so there are some pictures but this morning we changed houses! Our old house had some issues with the neighbors, they could see into our house! haha but this new house is a lot better! We are living above the house of a member in the second floor and it is really nice! There are some pictures attached of all our stuff piled up in the new house! I love it there! It will be a lot more comfortable and private now! I am happy about the move.

Good news! There is now a pizza place here in Gotera! Before there wasn't one! haha

Anyway, apart from that, I just want to let you all know how much I love you! I can't wait to be able to talk to each of you soon! I have so much I want to tell you all but it is so hard to get all my thoughts written down sometimes! But just know that all my memories and thoughts are in my mind and I will talk to you all really soon! Time flies!

I love you all! Thank you so much for the emails and the love this week! I can't wait to read all your responses for next week!!!


P.S. That is so cool that Dale is a Bishop and that Barry and Sharon were called as Mission Presidents! I am so excited for them! Tell me where Barry and Sharon are called to serve in!

I love you all!

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