Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Week 70 (09/24/2012) - Saludos de Gotera!!!

Hey everyone!

All is good here in sunny Gotera! It is really really hot haha...How is everyone up there in Utah?? All going well?? I got some letters today!! Woo!!! I've been waiting a while for letters! I don't know why they took so long to get here, but they are finally here! haha I got 3 from Lizzie and 1 from grandma! Thanks!!!

So this has been a great week! We have been working hard here in Gotera! It is a really fun branch and we have a lot of people that we are working with! It is definitely very different being the Branch President but it is good!! I have to give interviews and give advice to people that are way older then me! haha it's great! It is different because I am used to doing interviews with people that are non-members and ask me questions like, "Can I wear sleevless shirts in the church?" or "Now that I am going to be baptized, do I have to wear a skirt all the time? The bible says that I shouldn't wear men's clothing??" haha but now I am answering questions like, "How can I be closer to my husband/wife?" "Can I still take the sacrament?" and things like that! haha very different! But it is very good to work with all them!! I really do love it! It requires a lot of planning and stuff to be able to do the things with the branch and missionary work at the same time! I am still getting used to everything but it is going really well!

As far as investigators here, we have a family that they have been teaching here for a few months! They are the Familia Abrego! They are really cool, but they need to be married and they are waiting for some papers from Honduras! But it is good! They are just waiting for that! So pray that the papers come quick! We are also teaching a family that, as of a few weeks ago, were inactive! It's the Familia Munguia they are awesome and their daughter that is 9 is going to get baptized this next weekend! Yay!! Her name is Stefani and she is so cool! Her and her sister (who is 7) look so alike! haha I always confuse them!! I'm getting their names down! haha but its good! I will get you a picture this next week! We are also teaching a new guy named Miguel Angel! He is really cool! He is very receptive and reads what we leave! He will be going to church this next Sunday so pray for him!!

Also, yesterday, Josue Mendez from Los Alpes got baptized! Wooo!!! :) He is so cool! And the Familia Cañas will get baptized next week! I hope to get pictures soon to send them to you!!!

So this week we had an activity in the temple! All the investigators from the mission came to the temple to go to different stations and learn about the temple! It was really cool! It was really spiritual and as always I LOVE TO SEE THE TEMPLE!!! Really, there is such a spirit there! After being here for so long, I don't really notice the discomfort as I am walking around on the streets, but as I walk onto the temple grounds, I just feel safe and peacful! I love to go to the temple and I love feeling the Spirit there!! Take advantage of the temple!! Go every week!! I love you all!!!

I love you all so much!! Keep praying for me and I feel each of your prayers! I love you so much!!! Stay close!!


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