Monday, September 10, 2012

Week 68 (09/10/2012) - Upcoming changes and lots of success and baptisms!

The whole Zone after last week's Multizone 
Elder Mehr and Elder Woodfield making tamales with Hermana Rosa Guadaloupe
Familia Mendez
Braden and Elder Mehr with a member family that makes them really good food! He is going to miss everyone!
Hey everyone!

How are you all doing??

So, crazy news! I have changes this week! This time I did find out a few days before, thank goodness! haha I will be changing areas this Wednesday but I don't know where I will be! It makes me kind of nervous but at the same time it is really good! I'm excited!

It sounds like everyone there is doing great! I hope that you are all happy and enjoying the fall weather! I miss trees that change colors! But at the same time I love how green the mountains are here!!

So this week has been a good one! I won't be around to see all the baptisms this month but I will be able to see pictures! This month, the Familia Cañas, Josue and maybe Rene will be baptized here in Los Alpes! And then all the other people we have been teaching will be for October! I am so excited about all the baptisms! There will be a lot of really good people going to church! This week, we had 12 people come to church! I am so excited about that!

So I want to tell you all a really funny story! So there is this guy in our area that works really close to our house. He is slightly crazy and speaks a little bit of English! Just to let you know a little bit about him, to say "hi" he yells "yes sir!!" haha he just does a lot of strange things! So anyway, yesterday we were walking up to the church and it was raining, and there was this drunk guy passed out laying in the rain, and this crazy guy was standing there with his hands in the air yelling (in Spanish) "Lazarus, rise! Come with me! Rise!" (lLzarus, like the New Testamant story) and the drunk guy was just mumbling and all mad because he was being bothered haha...Anyway... as I wrote that, I realized that it might not be very understandable! Anyway, just know that it was a really funny scene! Something that you would never see in Utah! Some drunk guy with a slightly crazy guy yelling at him haha it was great!

Haha anyway! So this week has been good! We had a lot of really good lessons! We taught Rene yesterday and he has really been progressing! He hasn't drank since last week and he is doing really good! He seemed REALLY happy! The ward members are really stepping in and helping him to feel welcome! It is awesome! He just looks so happy!!

Also, we have the Familia Mendez that is progressing really well!! Josue will be baptized in 2 weeks and his mom is going back to church! (She is already a member) but I just absolutely love missionary work! It is just awesome!!!

Anyway, apart from that, this week we've just been working hard! We have Elder Alameda from our zone with us again (we're in a trio again with him) because his companion went home to get a surgery! So we have been working with three missionaries again! Wow this last change has been crazy!! haha I love it!

I hope all is going well! I love you all and miss you all lots!! Stay happy! Stay strong! And keep reading your scriptures and going to church!!


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