Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Week 67 (09/03/2012) - Drunk guys and Chicas reunion

In front of a national landmark, the Salvador Del Mundo (Savior of the World) 

Elder Mehr and Braden
New shoes! Woo!!

Hey everyone!!

How are you all???

How is everyone?? I love you all! I am so jealous that the fall weather is heading in! That is so cool! I love fall! I only have to miss one more!! As for here, there have been some CRAZY lightening storms lately! They always come at night at like 930 10 oclock but it is crazy! They just strike all over the place! haha it's pretty cool!

It sounds like everyone has had a good week up there in Utah! All is going well!! For us here, it has been a good week as well!!! This last monday after writing, we went and got my shoes! I sent a picture, they are hushpuppies! I like them a lot! Also something really cool! On Monday, I was walking down the street to go get some food at KFC when I saw Raul Chicas walking toward me! He is the dad of the family that got baptized in March! I LOVED SEEING HIM!!! He is so happy! He called up his wife and I got to talk to her as well!! Apparently he has received the Melchizedek priesthood and is serving as the Second Counselor in the Sunday School Presidency! His wife is the Second Counselor in the Primary Presidency and the son is the Teachers Quorum President! Woo!!! He told me that they are preparing to be sealed in the temple this March! WOOOOOO!!! I am so excited!!

So that was a cool thing this week! Also, this last Tuesday, we had a cool multizone! We learned how to plan better and make goals! They taught how it isn't just a mission skill, but a life skill! I learned a lot and am changing a lot of things to be better at planning! Lizzie should be happy about that haha...

Other than that, we have been working hard this week! Oh! I had to go to immigration to become legal again! I am a legal Salvadoranion resident again! haha But as for our investigators this week, we have been teaching a new family! They aren't married haha but they are great! It is cool how we found them! There was a drunk guy that walked up to us on the street and said "I want to stop drinking!" (Elder Mehr afterward said "If I had a quarter for every time I heard that, I would be rich!" haha drunk guys tell us that all the time but they never change!) But anyway, we gave him a pamphlet about the WOW and we left him at that! Well, this saturday he finds us again, and said that he hasn't drunk in a week and that he wanted to come to church! Him and his wife came to church yesterday! It is cool! So we are teaching them now as well! Josue is progressing really well and will get baptized this month! Familia Canas (Candalaria, Rafael, and Denis) will also get baptized this month! But Rafael has problems with going to church and work - pray for him so he can overcome it and come to church! Thanks! As for Rene, he has been drinking lately.... keep praying for him to be able to stop drinking and to go to church! Thanks family!!!

Anyway, life is really good here!! I love it! Stay happy, everyone! Keep up the emails and the love! I love it!

Thanks everyone!!!!

I love you all!!


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