Saturday, September 1, 2012

Week 66 (08/27/12) - lots and lots of investigators...and cool meetings

This is Familia Canas. They will be baptized in September!
Eating frozen don't find it very often there so Elder Woodfield had to take a picture!
This is a husky found in a member's home the other day. Her name is Loba. Braden lovessss huskies!

These next two pictures are from Braden's companion's (Elder Mehr's) girlfriend...too fun!
Braden and Elder Mehr eating Elotas!

Braden fell asleep after a long day..."spooning" his journal haha

Hola Familia!!!

How is everyone?? I love you all!! I hope that the fall weather is treating you all well!! Guess what??!!! The weather here is EXACTLY the same!! haha gotta love it! So, that seemed like a pretty cool fence there down the driveway! My first thought was "doesn't that make it too skinny for the boat?" But then I realized that we don't have the boat anymore! haha so all is good, right?? Looks good!!

All is well here! Just normal mission life!! Sounds like everyone is doing really well up there! I hope that everyone is happy and doing lots!

So this week has been really good! We found a cool family! We were hiking up this mountain, contacting a colonia when we found them! We knocked on the door and the Mom came to the door, she is an inactive member and has been inactive for about 8 years! Her husband and her son aren't members! She started crying when she told us that she had been praying for someone to come and help her family go to church! They are so awesome!! We started teaching the son (Josue) this last week and we met the dad, Gilberto, on Sunday! (He works all week long) but it was really cool! It definitely helped me know that the Lord's hand is in everything!! He really and truly is preparing his children to accept us! I loved it! The son will be baptized the 15th of September! We are still waiting on the Dad because he didn't go to church yesterday though. Pray for them!!

Also with Familia Canas, they are doing really well!! They are having a few problems coming to church, but they are progressing really well!! They have changed a lot and have really have recieved an answer to their prayers!!! I love to see changes like this!! It is awesome to be a missionary!!

Familia Lino still hasn't been able to go back to church because of his work!! We say that the Lord is blessing him with a lot of work so he will make money to pay for their wedding haha keep praying for them!

We are also teaching a guy named Rene! He is a golden investigator! This last Sunday, we told him we would be at his house at about 9:15 to pick him up for church, and as we were leaving the church building he showed up there asking us why we hadn't stopped by earlier haha he loves church and comes on his own! It is awesome when they come on their own, it doesn't happen often, normally they need outside help! haha it is great!!!

So I forgot to tell you all, but about 2 weeks ago, there was a 5.8 earthquake here! It didn't cause any damage or anything but it was really cool to be in one! I have never been in an earthquake before and it was so weird!! It felt like you are on one of those magic carpet sidewalk things at the airport but instead of going in one direction, you were going in all directions! haha it was cool though that's all I have to say!

Also yesterday, we had a meeting with all the Bishops in our stake and the Mission President! We presented a few parts of the church handbook on how to work better in missionary work at a ward level and stuff - it was fun! I kind of like meetings haha is that weird??

Anyway! I love you all!! Thank you all so much for all your emails and love!! I love getting them every week!! Keep them coming!! All  is good here!!


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