Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Week 71 (10/01/2012) - Birthdays, babies, and funny investigators. Oh, and a baptism.

Hey family! 

How is everyone?!

So, I seem to remember forgeting to tell Derek "Happy Birthday" in my email a few weeks ago! Sorry Derek! I hope that you got your little package and that you liked it! It's Chelsea from England, right?? haha anyway, I hope you enjoyed it! And also, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Dad!! I love you!!! Will you be getting a wheel chair this year or are you still going along with the walker hehehe haha just kidding! I love you Dad! You are still the strongest Dad I know! You could still totally beat me in an arm wrestle!! haha I love you all!!!

Apart from that, I hope all is going well! I hear I am going to be an uncle again, eh? What will his name be? Send me pictures! I love you all! Go Britny and Luke! (I'm waiting for news from Kortnee and Dylan? haha where's the baby anouncment??? hahaha just kidding!!)

So, apart from that this has been a great week! Had another great Sunday yesterday full of interviews! We called a new Young Men's President! We are getting organized and it is great! To answer your questions, no my companion can't be in the office with me as I do interviews, there are specific rules to interviews as a missionary (for interviewing investigators and members alike). As I am doing the interview (especially if it is a woman or a child), my companion has to be right outside the door or at least within 15-20 feet. That way there aren't any false accusations or anything! Apparently this is how it works as well with bishops, they should never interview a woman or child alone. There should always be another priesthood holder there close by! I am learning so much about church administration reading the manuals! haha it's awesome! The Bishop's manual is the best! It talks about excommunication and tons of stuff that was kind of blurry to me before but now its all clear! It's awesome!

So apart from the branch we are working hard! We had a baptism Saturday! As I mentioned last week, her name is Stefani. She is 9 and is awesome! I got to baptize her, too! The first time in the baptismal font since March (the other baptisms were baptized by our bishop)! But it felt really good! I love baptizing! It's awesome!! But also with Hermano Miguel Angel, we put a baptismal date for the end of October! He's progressing pretty well! We also went contacting yesterday and found a lot of really good people! I will tell you all more about them when we go back and teach them in this next week!

Another thing... I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED FOR GENERAL CONFERENCE!!! I'm sorry to say but I am pretty sure my email next week will be just full of quotes and stuff haha make sure you all watch ALL the sessions! I LOVE CONFERENCE!!!!! It's just awesome!!

So funny story that happened yesterday! So this is to let everyone know how many different types of people you get to know! We were walking down a road at about 8:45 last night, and I knocked a door. I saw a hammock inside the house swinging so I knew there was someone in there awake, but they didn't stand up! so I knocked again and said "Hey, how are you?" No one answered, but I knew there was someone there so I knocked again and then I saw the guy standing up from the hammock, he came to the window to talk to me (that's something normal here, they don't open the door, they just talk to you through the window) But then I was like, "Hey, we are missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and we are here to share a message about the gospel of Jesus Christ. What's your name?" And when I said that he didn't say anything he just started to close the window a little bit. Then I said, "We know its a little late, but we would like to come back some day this week?" He closed the window a little more. "I said uh..... Hola?" and he closed the window all the way. so I just said "Thanks hermano see you!" and walked away! haha it's just funny because on occasion you will meet people that just dont want to talk to you at all! haha I don't know if he was dumb (like can't speak) or something, but there were other people in the house talking and they could have come to talk to me too! haha but it was funny! I love contacting people! You meet some of the weirdest people! It's great!!

Anyway, that's all for this week! I love you all! Good luck with all the birthdays and babies coming! I love you all!!


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