Monday, September 17, 2012

Week 69 (09/17/2012) - Hola from hot Morazan!

An investigator, Hermano Marcos - Braden really likes his socks
New zone! Go San Miguel!! He will miss being a Zone Leader, but it's all good!
Mosquito nets to protect them from the mosquitos - woo!
This is where he lives in Morazan, it is hot and the streets look like St. George 
New comp walking through the streets to an investigators house!

Hey family!

How is it going up there in Utah?! haha Kortnee and Dylan got back this week, yeah?? Fun! I bet Mexico was way fun! But just so you kno, guards and police with machine guns and shotguns and rifles is a very, very normal thing! haha but don't worry! haha I was also pretty freaked out the first time I saw someone with one! haha I thought I was going to die! But no, totally normal! Now the funny thing is, when there are guys that have shot guns and their guns are so rusted over that I highly doubt they shoot! haha I hope that you enjoyed Mexico!!

But guess what?! I had cambios (changes)! I told you all last week that I was going to change and well, I changed! haha my new area is called San Francisco Gotera in the department (state) Morazan! But the cool part? The place I am serving at is a Branch instead of a ward! And this Branch doesn't have very many priesthood holders so, I am the Branch President! Now I realize that it probably doesn't make any sense... haha. Well anyway, here in the mission, there are 3 areas that the missionaries serve as the Branch President! A Branch President is basically a Bishop, but just over a smaller amount of people! So I am here serving as the "Bishop," so to speak, of about 60+ people! I am still serving as a missionary, working with investigators, knocking doors and all that, but now it is also my responsibility to interview the members for temple recommends, work with the budget of the branch, plan branch activities, call and release people into callings, and just do a whole bunch of other stuff! It's crazy! It is so fun though! The people in our branch are just amazing! They are all so loving and are really good! I am going through and organizing the Ward Council (Elders Quorum, Relief Society, Primary and YM and YW) and just getting to know everyone and the new area!! Also, I am no longer a zone leader (too much responsibility in the branch) so I'm not going to be working as much with missionaries now, but thats okay because I have so many other people to worry about! haha I love it!

The cool part about it all is, I have a really cool companion!! He is also serving in the ward as the Second Counselor to me and the President. His name is Elder Castillo (Castillo means castle haha) He is from Mexico! He lives in Puebla (a state in Mexico) and he is just awesome! He is really humble and just ready to work! He is amazing and helps me a lot in my duties! (like finances haha I have no clue how to deal with finances! Especially tithing haha) but it is really cool! We are doing great! We work hard and are ready to work even harder!

So, here in Morazan, we are close to a place called San Miguel, which is the hottest place in the entire country! We are in a place that is lower than sea level, and so there is always low/high pressure (I can't remember which one) so it is really, really hot! I feel like I am walking around in Saint George on a really, really hot summer day, and then you add humidity! haha I sweat so much! It's great! But on the bright side, my office in the church has air conditioning! haha so that's definitely a great break! :) But it's great! I love it here and just feel so excited to get to work! It is definitely a really great change! :) My area is HUGE! Like 4 hours from one end to the other! Apparently, I have a part of Honduras in my area as well! haha so that's awesome!

Anyway, all is well here! I am loving life and I love you all!! Keep working hard and doing all that you do! I love you all! Stay close!!


(Presidente Woodfield hehe just kidding)

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