Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Week 83 (12/24/2012) - Christmas SKYPE!

Hey family!

How is everyone doing today? I love you all so much! So I was waiting a while for a computer today at the Stake Center and by the time I got one, everyone else was already almost done! haha so I have about 3 minutes to write because everyone is waiting for me to finish to lock up the church! haha but anyway, I just wanted to write you all really quick and tell you all that I love you! I love you all for your emails and support here on Christmas! I can't wait to talk to you all tomorrow! I hope that everyone is enjoying their Christmas Eve and that you are all thinking about Christ! I love you all so much!

I love you all so much for your love and support!!! I will tell you all more about my week tomorrow! Make sure you all write a few questions that I can answer! And make sure everyone is there - Derek and Paige, Britny and Luke if possible - I want to see everyone!

I love you all!!!!!!


Tuesday, December 25 - Christmas Day

We got to Skype Braden today for Christmas! He is doing so well and finishing strong. A few fun photos and things we learned: 

  • He only has about 3 transfers left!
  • He will most likely no longer be Branch President after a few weeks because there is a member in their area that just moved in that would be the perfect BP
  • He loves to share the gospel
  • Liz is a "legend" in Braden's mission for being the "perfect girlfriend"
  • He realizes that he is a "weird" missionary
  • It is bittersweet that he comes home so soon
  • He is happy and well! 

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