Monday, December 3, 2012

Week 80 (12/3/2012) - Tarde Alegre and upcoming baptism!

Want a coke? haha
All the members at their activity!
A picture of 2 girls dancing at a branch activity we had (if you notice, one of them is Stefany! The baptism we had in September!)
Primary kids in their branch! 

Hola familia!

How is everyone doing today?? I hope that everyone is doing really well! It is all going well here in El Salvador! It sounds like things are getting cold down there this week! I hope that there is a lot of snow there! At least in the mountains! Are the ski resorts open yet? I really miss snow and skiing! I say that haha but as I get back, I am going to be dying with the cold! Hermana Glazier went back last May to her son's wedding and she said she was really cold there...and it was 75 degrees during the day! I wonder if you need to buy me a big parka! haha I can be like an Eskimo while all the rest of you guys are getting un-thawed from the winter! Speaking of parkas and stuff, do you guys still have my orange ski outfit? Don't sell it! haha

Anyway, this week has been great! We had a cool activity! They call it a "Tarde Alegre," which means "Happy Afternoon." It is basically a talent show from the branch! It was fun! there were a bunch of people that sang and danced. There was even an act thing that they did from a Spanish program that would be like the equivelant of Giligan's Island (like it is an old show that was really is called "El Chavo del 8") but it was fun! I attached some pictures!

Also, the Familia Rosales accepted to be baptized this month on the 22 of December! They are great! The Familia Abrego isn't getting baptized yet because of a paper that was expired, but we are going to do all we can to have them baptized before the end of the year! They are always in church and just love it there! I love the converts here! They are so strong and just love the church!

Anyway! I love you all a lot! I'm excited for the Christmas season! The devotional was great last night!! I love you all!!!


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