Friday, November 30, 2012

Week 79 (11/26/2012) - Thanksgiving and awesome investigators

A member's daughter that wanted to wash her pants in a river by herself haha people here wash their clothes by hand in the river when they don't have water in the house, and the little girl wanted to help! She's a cute girl!! haha 
"Two little girls! We are teaching their Mom!"

"Our Christmas Tree!" 
Thanksgiving Dinner!

Hola Familia!

Sounds like everyone had a good Thanksgiving! I bet it tasted awesome! I really do love Thanksgiving! There is so much food and good stuff to eat everywhere! I love food :) Here in El Salvador, we talked a family into making us food and they were going to make a genuine Thanksgiving dinner! But last minute, they canceled on us! But they said that instead, they were going to take us to eat in the best restaurant in town! It was a place like a Chili's, but the food was a little better! I sent a picture of my food! It was chicken and beef with shrimp (that's the two things on top if you were wondering what it was) and mashed potatoes! I LOVE MASHED POTATOES! So I decided that I really miss turkey, you will all have to have some turkey ready for me when I get home! and banana bread...MMMM I miss banana bread! haha

I love it here and it is going well!!! If all goes really well, then the Familia Abrego will be baptized this next weekend! I am so excited! We also have the Familia Rosales that wants to get baptized as well! (that's the family from San Marcos!) They came to church for the first time yesterday! I am so excited for them! I love it! Also, Miguel Angel is doing awesome! He is a priest now and is even leaving to visit investigators with us! I love him so much! He is such an awesome convert! I love it!

As for the work here, we are working hard! It is really hot in the day and it has been cold at night! (like 70 degrees haha) But I have to wear my long sweat pants from Lizzie to keep me warm!
But it is all doing really well! It is such a huge place here! There are so many people that have never heard of the church and it is awesome to tell everyone about it! I love it here and I love all of you!!!

So, this week we had a multi-zone meeting! But my companion was really, really sick and we couldn't go! I was super bummed haha I had to sit inside the house all day and read! I went crazy! haha I used to love to just hang out in a house (before my mission) but I seriously almost went crazy and we were only there until like 5! haha I went crazy! I was like exercising, just trying to find something to do! haha but it was all good! Now my companion is well! He is feeling better and we are working again! Love it!

Have fun for the holidays! I love you all!!! I promise I will tell you all lots of stories on Skype this Christmas! Think of a bunch of questions you can all ask me or something! You can make like a list or something and I can tell some stories!

I love you all!!! Stay close!!


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