Monday, December 10, 2012

Week 81 (12/10/2012) - Hola from Sunny El Salvador!

Hola Familia!

How is everyone doing!? I love you all! I hope that the snow is treating you all well! I saw in the pictures that dad sent me that there is a little bit of snow on the ground in front of the house dad is building! Cool!!

I am glad that everyone is doing well, though! Thanks for sending me all the emails and letters! I am excited to receive the packages in a week or so! (I will probably get them this next week when we have an activity with the President! Speaking of that, if I don't write on Monday, it's because I will write on Wednesday next week) but I love you all! I hope that you are all in the Christmas spirit and you are feeling Christ's love!

This is an amazing time of year! I remember that last year at this time, I didn't really feel the "Christmas Spirit," so to speak. I think it was mostly because I didn't understand the language! But this year I feel the difference! I love the feeling of Christmas! I really loved the Christmas Devotional a couple weeks ago! It's an amazing time of year and I love to serve at this time!

So, as for Skype I will be on it Christmas Morning, I'm still not sure of the exact time yet but I will let you know after I talk with my companion!

The reason that we will be having to Skype in the morning is because of a baptism! The Familia Rosales decided to not get baptized on the 22nd but to be baptized on the 25th! They wanted a day to remember so they definitely did a good job with that! It's going to be so cool! I will let you all know how it goes!

Apart from that, all is going well! I love it here! I have been learning lots and lots! Something cool happened this last week! We went to a member that lives about 20 minutes away from our house by bus and it was a place we had never visited before! We went to go talk to a few of the friends that he had out there, and as we walked up to each house, everyone recieved us with so much love! Each person, even though they didn't know us, dropped everything, set up some plastic lawn chairs (that's what they use here for furniture) and they all sat and listed to our message! Sometimes I have felt like a little mad at people here in this country for not listening, but as I went to this place and I talked to each of them, I felt again how truly humble and loving each of the people are here! It's amazing! I love it!

I love you all!!!

I hope that all is well up there in Utah!


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