Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Week 75 (10/29/2012) - Change for the better

Hola familia!

How is everyone doing?? I love you all! So this week, we had baptisms!!! WWOOOOOO!! Roxana, Mauricio, and Oswaldo were baptized this last Saturday and it was awesome!! I LOVED TO SEE THEM GET BAPTIZED!!! They were all baptized and it all went smoothly! I baptized Mauricio, Erick (a kid in our branch) and Roxana and my companion, Elder Fizgerald, baptized Oswaldo! It was really special!! After the baptism, we all came back into the service and Roxana and Mauricio shared their testimonies with us! Roxana told us about how she had made a huge change in her life. How she knew the church was true and she started crying a little bit even! She is not the type of person to cry but it was a really cool testimony! I loved it! Also Mauricio shared his testimony, Mauricio and his little brother Oswaldo have been waiting since April to get baptized! They have been waiting on the parents so that they can be baptized, but the parents gave permission for them to be baptized before them! They will be waiting for a few more weeks for their baptism! Mauricio also commented on how much they have changed! It's really a complete change in them, they have come from a family that has a lot of problems, problems of abuse and fighting but they have completely changed and it is awesome! I love it!

Also, I have a new companion this week! His name is Elder Fitzgerald! He is from Virginia and is like a giant bear! He is taller than me and weighs about 250 pounds! He's so huge! He reminds me of the guy off the King of Queens show that is sometimes on TV. If you don't know who I'm talking about, just ask Dylan, he´ll know! He's really funny and is ready to learn! He never thought he would be a Counselor in a branch on his mission! But we are learning together! I love him and he is great! I love being here! It's great to be here and to serve! I love it!

So anyway, this week has been a really good week! I hope all is well at home! keep working hard and remember to always be happy! God wants us to be happy and if we continue looking for him, we can find peace in every moment of our lives! The gospel is true! There is a quote from one of the prophets I don't know who it is haha but he said that, "As we accept the gospel and apply the Atonement in our lives, God promises us all the blessings of heaven." As we apply the gospel, live the commandments, and repent by applying the Atonement, we can recieve all the blessings that God has for us in this life and the life after. God gives us a chance to change. He loves us! And as we love him we can recieve guidance! I love the gospel! It's so cool!

So I promise you guys that I'm not too weird! haha I have gotten a few comments from people that have said that I am weird haha but I promise I haven't changed that much! I still love cooking and dancing in the kitchen!! :) Love you all!!!


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