Monday, November 5, 2012

Week 76 (11/05/12) - Lots of good news and the beginning of the holidays!

Hey Everyone!

How is everyone today? I am glad to hear from you all this week! I love opening my email and getting lots of support and love!

That's so crazy that Rilee is leaving to go to Argentina! They speak cool down there! They have a different accent than us! They speak replacing the "y" and the "ll" sound with a "sh."Anyway, you probably don't understand but that is so cool! We are going to have a family reunion in a few years and we will all be speaking Spanish to eachother! Sweet...haha

So, that is so cool I am excited about all the changes that are happening in the family! Winter is almost here! Well, here it has stopped raining and it's just hot all day! haha WOOO! But that is so cool! I am excited for Thanksgiving and all the holidays! I love holidays! It's definitely not the same here away from family, but it is still so cool! I think that we are going to be making a turkey or something as a district for Thanksgiving! It will be cool! I will be able to talk on Skype this year again! I think I will do it on Christmas day this year! It will be on a tuesday!! WOO!!

This week we have been working hard! Miguel Angel is ready for baptism this next Saturday! He is so cool! He has progressed really fast and is really, really excited for his baptism! I will be sending pictures next week! Sorry I haven't sent pictures in a while! The computers I'm on don't have an SD port and I don't have a camera cable to change pictures but I will find a way to send the pictures of Hno. Miguel Angel!

So, this week was the Dia de Los Muertos! That is like Memorial Day here! Everyone goes to the cemetary to decorate the graves, put flowers, pictures, and the whole 9 yards! Haha it's funny how much they do! Some people go to their graves and sit by them all day long! haha how funny is that?! But anyway, as a branch, the youth and missionaries went to the cemetary and painted grave stones! (Here they are made of cement, instead of granite, so you have to paint them! haha) But anyway, it was really fun to go and to enjoy the service project! I loved it! Also, this week was Halloween! Woo!! That's so cool! I love Halloween! This year the Area Presidency called and told us that we had to stay inside after 7 o'clock (sometimes some weird things happen here because they don't celebrate trick or treating, they celebrate like witchcraft's weird). So we came back to the house and we made corn on the cob (something rare here because its always off the cob and it was so good!) and we ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and just talked for an hour or so! It was awesome! I loved it! It definitely wasn't like a party or anything but it was out of the normal! haha fun stuff!!

So anyway, I had a good week! We are working hard and we are happy! I love it here! I love you all! And I am excited to hear from you all next week!!!


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