Thursday, October 11, 2012

Week 72 (10/08/2012) - A great weekend of General Conference!

These are the baptisms from Los Alpes over the last few weeks! I tried sending them last week but they didn't work!

Love you all!!!

This is the baptism of Josue
This is the baptism of Rene - Elder Mehr (last companion) on the right

Hola Familia!!

How is everyone?! I love you all!! So, how was conference for everyone??!! I loved it!! I definitely learned a lot!! haha got a few "slaps in the face" too, if you will! haha it was all good though!
I hear the weather is steadily changing up there! Colder and colder, is it? Sounds awesome!! I think it was one degree hotter the other day! haha seriously, the temperature never changes here! It's always the same! haha. But anyway, all is good here! We had a good week! Worked hard! Everyone is happy and well!! We had several investigators come to church this last weekend! We had Hermano Miguel Angel that came and then also Alfonzo! They are two guys that live in different places but we found them both at about the same time! We have been working with them and visiting them for about 2 weeks! They both love reading the BOM and have been reading a lot! They are progressing really fast! Miguel Angel is about 40 and a little while ago separated from his wife but he has 2 daughters that he visits a lot! But he is great! We hope that we can teach his family as well!! He is great! Alfonzo is about 60 years old and he lives with his sister! He is also awesome! He has already read into Second Nephi and he has only been reading for a week! It's awesome!! I love it!! But then there is also the Familia Abrego! They are great! Some of them have a hard time coming to church on occasion so pray for them, but they are doing well!! The dad will be going to Honduras this next month to get the papers so they can be married and get baptized! They are great though! We may be baptizing the kids in two weeks though because the parents don't want us to wait to baptize them! haha so we may be doing that! but its all good still!

So, on to conference! I loved it! One of my favorite quotes was from M. Russell Ballard: "There is a power in our love for God and His children, and when that love turns to tangible acts of kindness, it will sweeten the world with hope and love." We are all like the little bee that he described. We cannot do it all alone but we must work together to help in everything. We can't hold pain alone, we can't help alone. We must work as a team to overcome struggles, to overcome pain, and to help others! If we do this we can become as the bees and have enough food together! I loved the analogy of the honey. Honey sustains life, honey is one of the substances in the world that can completely sustain and help us to survive. As well, if we work together, we can receive the equivilant of the honey in spirit life. The fruit that it talks about in 1Nephi 8. The only thing that can give us complete happiness and joy in this life! But we cannot do it together! Anyway, I really liked that!

Also I loved Elder Eyring. God does not place the pavilion, we put it there. I loved the story he shared about his daughter-in-law. She had been praying for years to have a child and then one day she decided that instead of asking for what she wanted she told God that she was going to give Him her life. She took off the pavillion that was keeping her from God and he recieved the blessings he was looking for! We all have our own types of pavillions. we need to look and find what they are, whether it be work, pride, personal desires and many other things, we can overcome it and find the blessings we are looking for! God is willing to bless us and help us and we must be willing to give ouselves to him to be able to do the things that he requires.

Anyway, I loved conference! God loves each of us! He loves us NO MATTER WHAT, and we can come closer to him through sincere efforts! I love the gospel! I love the oportunity I have to help and to serve! I know that everything happens for a reason. Remember that The spirit can only go TO the heart, it is our choice if we let it in! All the messages in the Conferences can be let in, but we must let it come in! I love the picture of Christ as he is knocking on a door and there is no door knob for him. We must let him in :)

I love you all!!

Stay strong! Stay close! But most importantly, stay close to the Lord!!


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