Monday, October 15, 2012

Week 73 (10/15/2012) - Papusas, dry season, and success!

Stefany's (9) baptism 
Us and the Book of Mormon! We were waiting for a bus and a member took a picture of us :)
A cow got into our church!! haha I don't know how it got in, but we had to scare it out! haha where I am is a bit like the valley, there are cows in the streets sometimes and the people wear cowboy hats! haha
A little kid they called Billy that is one of the kids in the Abrego 
family! Everyone thinks he's crazy and a little devil, but I like him! haha  

 Dinner last night... :)

He made papusas!

Hola familia!!

How is everyone today?? I LOVED the pictures that you sent me Dad! It looks like the mountains are getting so pretty! I can't wait to see snow again! It sounds like everyone is doing pretty well up there! Is anyone getting ready for Christmas yet?? It doesn't even feel like it is October! Haha the weather here is the same as ever! The rain is beginning to stop for the year though. Really soon, it will be the dry season here and I will be wishing for more rain! Haha but it is supposedly (if that's how you spell that word haha) supposed to cool off a bit in December! Haha We'll see!! But its crazy being here! I love the branch and I am finally getting a hang of things here! We organized a temple visit this next weekend for all the members! We as missionaries can't go, but we organized it to be able to help them enjoy the temple that is here in their country!! It's crazy!! Many members that are endowed haven't been to the temple for 3 to 5 years! It is because we are so far away! Before the dedication of the temple here in El Salvador, the closest temple was about 10 hours away in Guatemala  And now its about 3 hours away here in San Salvador!

But anyway, all is good here! The Familia Abrego came to church this last week! Woo! We finally made a breakthrough with them! We set a baptismal date for the 27th of October for the kids! And then in Mid-October, the parents will be getting married so we set a baptismal date for the 29th of November! Woo! They are really excited and just stoked to keep going on! As for Hno. Miguel Angel, (by the way, I always write Hno./Hna. and I dont think that I have ever told you what it means! Haha but Hno/Hna. are the abreviations for brother and sister in English!) But anyway, Hno. Miguel Angel and Alfonzo didn't come to church this last sunday! We still don't know why, because we weren't able to go to their houses yet, but tonight we will go there! Haha but keep praying for them! They are awesome and always read the Book of Mormon! We are also starting to teach a ton of new people but we haven't taught them very much so I will tell you about the others a little bit in the future :) I love my area because it is so huge! It's like endless little cities that are just FULL of people that have NEVER heard about our church! It's awesome! Haha

But yep, all is good here!!! Just working lots and having lots of fun! I love you all!!!

But yep apart from that, just another great week in Morazan! I got my package from Lizzie today! Woo! :) haha I´ll write you all a little more later!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!


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