Monday, October 22, 2012

Week 74 (10/22/12) - A change for good

Hola familia!

¿Como están? Espero que todos estén bien! Les amo mucho y quiero decirselo!!

How are you all? It's been a great week here in El Salvador!!! I hope that everyone is doing well and that you are all enjoying the fall colors! So, guess what?! My companion has changes!!! How sad is that! We are going to be having a baptism this next week and then in the next couple weeks a few more baptisms! He'll be missing them all! But I am sure that he is going to be doing well in his new area! But all is well here in Morazan! We have been working hard to prepare the Familia Abrego for this next week: the three kids will be getting baptized, then the parents will be baptized next month! Miguel Angel is doing well also! He came to church yesterday and loved it! He came with his little 5 year old girl and she also loved church! We are starting to teach his family now as well! They live in another part of our area but they are starting! They are great!!

So, this week we had a lot of cool experiences! We have been working hard and talking to a lot of new people in our area!! We have had a lot of success and we are really happy! Something that I have noticed that I really love, is the power of testifying. I have found that as we live the gospel as God asks us to live it, we are able to change lives with our testimonies! In my patriarchal blessing, it talks about how as I share my testimony I can influence lives. But it also says that to be able to do that, I must live the gospel. I have been making a lot of changes in my life, I have been feeling the spirit guide me to come closer to do the right things, and as I follow the gospel, God allows me to help others. I feel that is the same with all of us. As we strive to live the gospel, and we get away from the little things that aren't right, we can help others and change lives! I loved the conference talks that mentioned this! I have been thinking a lot about the talk by Elder Bednar and Elder Holland and I really love it! I have learned a lot as I strive to "choose the right" haha...Wow, I sound like a primary kid talking or something haha but just stick with it, I promise I'm not too weird haha you all still love me, right?! haha I just love the gospel and how it changes lives! It has changed my life and I am excited to help others change as well!!!

Anyway, I love you all! Stay happy and keep working hard! I love all your emails each week! Thanks for all the updates and news that you always send us! I love you all!!!


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