Monday, August 20, 2012

Week 65 (08/20/12) - Baptism goal and cool comp

Hey family!!! 

I love you all!! 

how is everyone doing this week?? It has been a really good week! We have been working really hard here! This week we had a lot of new investigators! We found a family that has about 15 people in it!! WOO and then we have also been working with a lot of new people! We had a lot of those new people go to church this Sunday as well! We had 9 people come to church yesterday! :) There have been a lot of miracles in our area! Thank you so much for all your prayers and love! So this week we had a few cool experiences! We were talking to Familia Canas and they had some doubts! They didn't quite understand why we they had to be baptized and the restauration so we prepared a bunch of scriptures and helped them to understand it all!! At the end of all the scriptures we testified to them that we knew it was all true! The spirit was so strong! It was so cool! Then we challenged them for their baptismal date and they were crying when they said yes! The gospel is so cool! Also we have been teaching Javier and Familia Lino some more and they are still going along! Javier came to church again but Familia Lino is still struggling a bit keep praying for them! His job is stealing his life! haha he works filing papers and working in town halls all over the country and he has to work way too much!!! Other than them, we have found many new people and are still looking for more!! I don't know if I told you all about our baptismal goal for next month - 24 baptisms in the zone! We are well on our way to the goal!! The whole zone is super excited and ready to go!! I love it here!!!

My companion is so cool! We work well together and just get along really well! I think that we will be hanging out a lot after we get home! It is really cool to be with someone that wants to work so much! We are always happy and ready to serve! I have learned a lot from him and I have changed a lot of my old habits! I understand so much better how you can have fun while not like "offending the spirit" :)  Really, mission life is so good! I love it here! I miss you all a lot, but I would never change this experience! It is like the traning center for the rest of my life!! 

I love you all!!! Stay well, keep writing! Stay close!!!


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