Monday, May 28, 2012

Week 53 (05/28/2012) - Baptisms, Mail, and PARASITES?!

Lots of pictures this week!

Beautiful few of San Salvador at night! On divisions.

His poor companion came straight home and fell into bed before they could even start their evening planning..."Oh the life of a missionary!" 

This week's baptism of Max and Jair :)

Our cute Elder Woodfield with his package from Lizzie this week! 1 year mark!

Hey family! 

I love you all!!
So all is well here in El Salvador! I love you all!
This week has been awesome! We had a baptism!!!! WOOOOOOOOOO The two kids were so excited! Max and Jair! It was really fun to be able to teach them and help them be baptized! The bishop baptized them both! It's always a good experience to be able to see a baptism! I hope that you all have a chance soon!
Also, I wanted to congratulate Kortnee for going to the temple. That is really cool! As Mom told me before I went in, it is definately a different experience, but it is the right place to be! I feel a spirit so strong every time I get to go in! I always want to be worthy to go!
So, some cool announcments this week! Are you all ready and excited??? I finally got parasites! It's been bound to happen and not going to lie, it's an exciting experience! Luckily, the parasites aren't bad at all. I don't even feel very sick (another missionary is extrememly sick with parasites and can't even leave the house for the need to go to the bathroom!) But I'm not bad at all! I just thought I would let you all know! But no one worry, I just have to take a series of medicine for a week and they're gone haha gotta love living in a foreign country! haha 
Today, we finally got mail!! WOOOHOO!! It's been about a month since we've had time to go to the office and get mail! I got a letter from Lizzie, a couple dear elders from Lizzie, Lizzie's package (thanks Lizzie! I love it!), and Kortnee's announcement! That sounds so awesome! You both look really good there!!! Have fun at your open houses with my cardboard cutouts! hehehehehe (you better have one there!)
Other than that, this week has been pretty good! My companion is a bit lazy because it's his last change but all is good! We're still working hard! I love it here! We are teaching a lot of good people still and we are looking for even more! We are trying to look through the members! They are so much better then knocking doors!!!
I love you all so much!!! Thanks for all that you are all doing for me! I love you all!!
P.S. Grandma, I love your letters! Keep sending them! I am so sorry that I haven't had much time to write you back, but just know, I love the letters and I love you!

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