Monday, June 4, 2012

Week 54 (06/04/2012) - A simple mission week

Hey family!!!

How is everyone doing?? Everyone is happy and well, I hope! What is going on with the wedding? It's getting close! I hope that noone is too stressed! I'm stoked to see all the pictures and everthing! Hope it all goes smoothly! 

So, this week has come and gone! It's been a bit slow lately because my companion has a lot of back pain and leg pain (he says it is because of the time he has on the mission but I don't think so haha). Becuase of that. he moves a bit slow and he's just not super excited! haha but no worries! He goes home in 3 weeks and I should have another companion! My companion right now is really good at helping people! I am learning a lot from him about how to talk to people, how to form relationships, and how to teach others that they need to change without making them mad - haha sounds weird, but it's true! Especially with other missionaries, you have to help them recognize the things they need to change and help them have the desire to do it! But if you just go tell them strait up, and that missionary doesn't like you, obviously they are just going to ignore you! But if you build a relationship and help them know that you love them, they respect you and want to change! So, its interesting! And my companion is really good at helping others! 

As for investigators, it's kind of hard! We have been working with a lot of people but they aren't progressing, or aren't progressing very fast at least! But we are working hard! We are going to change a few of the ways we have been working and do our best to help them to do what they need to do! We are still working with Pedro and his 3 kids, and Nelson and his family (they are still waiting for the divorce!) But all is well! Keep praying for them and I know we will have a lot of success here! 

Also, this week, I got to go with Elder Gishwiller on divisions! He was an elder in the MTC with me and he is now in my zone! It was fun! We talked about a lot of things and just had some fun! He is a bit of a Star Wars/Lord of the Rings nerd! haha he loves it and knows all the "LORE" about them! Or in other words, he knows all the background stories and things that no one ever reads except nerds...haha but it was still really fun to talk to him! It's definately an interesting experience here in El Salvador! haha 

Something cool! Max (the kid we baptized a couple weeks ago) passed the sacrament for the first time yesterday! woo!!!! :) So coo! I loved seeing that! 

Oh! So next Tuesday, we have a visit from a member of the Presidency of the 70! Woo! I don't know exactly who it is but we will see! haha But its always cool to get to hear from a General Authority!

Also this week, I bought and gave scriptures to Jose Gutierez (the person that was talking to you guys in English on Skype that reminded you to do family night and scripture study and prayer) I got him a nicer set because he has NEVER had his own scriptures before! He has always used the free paperback ones! He didn't stop smiling for 20 minutes! He was SO happy! it is awesome to see how grateful he is and how much he loved it! He told me to tell you all thank you for your support and that he loves you all! 

That is about my whole week! I love you all! Good luck with wedding preperations! I hope all goes well! Let me know if there is anything more I can do for you all! 

I love you!!

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