Monday, May 14, 2012

Week 51 (05/14/12) - Tranfers and a new companion!

Hey everyone!

How is everyone doing today?? How is life in Utah? It looked like it was getting nice and warm up there! Don't worry, still 90 degrees here! haha It did rain last night! That was so good to get to talk to you all last night! Thanks for all being there and all being so happy! I loved seeing you all and you all look so good! Mom and Dad look really happy and good! Kalee all patched up haha but good. Britny and Luke really good, and Anslee reached out to me! I'm going to be her favorite uncle, sorry Dylan! But Kortnee has a real ring! WOO Lizzie as beautiful as always! Derek looks good too! We just have a nice happy family! haha
Thanks again for all being there and talking to me! I loved it!
So this week has been a good week! As you saw yesterday, we had changes/transfers this week! I got Elder Coy as a companion! He is a Guatemalan and only speaks Spanish! I'm teaching him English though! I hope to teach him a lot in the 6 weeks we will be together! I love him though! He is really smart and comes from really humble and difficult circumstances in Guatemala, but he is a really good Elder and friend! I've loved talking to him and getting to know him! I'm sick of Gringo companions haha no one understands us when we want to teach! It's really good with one Latino and one Gringo because there are just a lot of good traits in both of the cultures! But its good! We have been working really hard this week as well! It's kind of hard though, because we haven't had baptisms in a while, but we are planning for some the end of this month! We have a few people that are progressing really well but are at the "turning point," I do believe they say, like the point at which they could progress or could not, you know? But anyway, that's where we are at!
Other than that, it has been a pretty basic week! I got to talk to you all yesterday! Something I wanted to tell you about was the reason I was late to talking to you guys yesterday. We went to visit an inactive family (inactive for like 2 years). We taught them about the Restoration of the Gospel and Joseph Smith and everything and it was really cool! We asked them a lot of questions that made them really think! I felt the spirit really strong! We are going to be going back sometime this week to teach them again! I think that we can get them to come back to church! It will be good! 
Anyway, if there is anything I can do for you guys, let me know! I love it here! I am having a lot of fun but working really hard all at the same time! Stay close! I love you all!! 

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