Monday, May 7, 2012

Week 50 (05/07/12) - Rainy season begins!

Hey family!

How are you all doing?? Here, the rains are about to start! Woo! haha It has been sooooo hot! I can't wait until it is a little bit wet to cool things off! It has been nice though, because in the mornings, it has been really cloudy and not super hot! 

Yesterday was Fast Sunday! Woo! It's definitely been different fasting here in El Salvador! It's really hot and you get really thirsty by the end! But I love fasting! There is just such an awesome spirit about fasting. I love it! Last night, we had a really cool lesson with the husband of a recent convert! (He was already a member, just his wife was baptized about 4 months ago) But this last week, he caved into a drink... He's a very good guy and knows that he shouldn't drink but he just had a bad day or something! Well, he felt absolutely terrible about it! And we went last night to talk to him about it! Even though he has already been a member for a long time, we retaught him about repentance and it was awesome! We taught him about the process and the blessings that come from it! He started crying through part of it! It was just so cool to see the power of the atonement take affect and start to lift off the burdens of sin! He is going to continue the process of repentance! He wants to get the melq. priesthood so he's going to turn his life around! 

Before I forget - two things! Next Sunday, I will be on the computer at 4. I didn't know that you had church so late! So we will just get on after sacrament, deal?? Also, we are going to the temple this month! I don't know when but it could be next week or the week after or the week after (yes, I know that is about every single week in May, don't say anything smart, Kalee! haha) But yeah, one of these weeks, I won't be writing you guys on Monday. It will be another day of the week, deal?? Deal! I should know more details this week.

So! Also this week, me and Elder Paulsen did divisions with the Assistants! In case you didn't know, the mission organization is like this - Junior Companion, Senior Companion, District Leader, Zone Leader, Assistant, Mission President.  So, we were with the 2 missionaries that are like the best teachers and most loving! Let's just say, it was sweet! I learned so much from them! We visited some people and he just taught me so much by his example! They are so humble! It was fun!

That's about all that we did this last week! We did find a new person thats really positive though! His name is Edwardo! He is 20 years old and is really really interested in the church! We're working with him a lot! We are planning his baptism for the last weekend in May!

Well, I love you all! I hope that all is well at home! Thank you all so much for all your emails! I can't wait to talk to you all this Sunday at 4 o'clock!

Thanks for all you do!! And thank you so much for the package Mom, and everyone else. I loved it! And so do all the neighborhood kids! They all LOVE the candies! haha


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