Monday, April 30, 2012

Week 49 (04/30/12) - Coconuts and legit teaching!

Here are some fun pictures of when they cut a coconut off a tree, drank from it, and ate it!

Look at this cute boy! He always loved his food :)

Elder Eves on his birthday - face smashed into the cake!

Hey everyone!!

So, it sounds like you have all had some pretty good weeks up there in good old Utah! I´m sorry that it's cold again! Not going to lie though Mom, I am stoked for the rainy season again! It's hot! haha It should start raining this month though! In the next few weeks, it will start, and then not stop until October! haha 

Also, good news! We were told today that we can use Skype for Mother's day! It's the same dealio as before. We have a "half hour" to talk and it has to be in the early afternoon! So, I was thinking that here, my church ends at 1 and then we will go to eat! At the house we eat at on Sundays, the family has a computer we can use! So I can go there, eat, and then call you guys! It would be at about 3 or 4 in the afternoon? How does that work out with all of your church schedules and things?? We have next week to coordinate a little bit more but just to get you thinking! 

So, a few things that we did this week! This week has been a really busy week, but really cool! First of all, we had about twice the number of lessons that we normally have! YAY! We have been struggling to find people at home and things but it is finally working out! Yay! Prayer! So, we had a bunch of really cool and spiritual lessons this week! The bishop has been helping us a lot to find new people to teach and it has been really fun! Also this week, we did something really cool that I've never done before! Elder Paulsen and I were asked by the Mission President and the Stake President to do a special training meeting for all the mission leaders in the stake! We had a meeting where Elder Paulsen and I were doing all the teaching! It was kind of cool, not going to lie! I have definitely become more comfortable talking in front of crowds! haha We had a training thing on the responsibilities of the mission leader, how they can work with the ward and with the missionaries better, and also how they can make plans and goals more effective in their wards. It was something kind of small, but it was a first for me! I have taken part in meetings before, but I've never been like the full-on teacher (well, combined with Elder Paulsen, of course) It's sweet! That meeting was on Saturday, and on Sunday, we also lead a meeting! We taught the 5th Sunday lesson at church! We taught the members how they can all be missionaries, and then presented a plan that we have to help the ward grow! We are going to have family nights in different houses throughout our areas! It will be organized by neighborhoods! The point of the family nights will be to invite the less-active members the inactive members and then for the members to invite their non-member friends! I've heard of missionaries doing it in other areas and it just helps the attendance sky rocket! It is going to be cool! All the members were stoked about it and we are going to get it all organized and start it next week! I'll let you know how it goes!

So.... other than that this week.... I ate a coconut straight from the tree! That was pretty sweet! We cut it down, chopped it open with a machete, and then drank it straight out of the coconut! Then we cut it open, and ate the white stuff inside! It's really good and sweet! I enjoyed it :)

Also, today we celebrated another birthday in the zone! His name is Elder Eves and it's apparently a tradition here that when it's your birthday and after you blow out your candles, someone smashes their face in the cake! haha they tried to do it to me on my birthday but didn't get me all that well haha but they got him really well! I´ll send you a picture!

Other than that, all is good here! Just living mission life! I love you all!! Hope all is well and keep working hard! Remember to read your scriptures every day!!!


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