Monday, April 2, 2012

Week 45 (04/02/12) - Best General Conference and new home!

Me and my zone on a lookout point in our area! You should see the ocean! This was last week's p-day.
The rest of the pictures are of their new home...simple, but so much nicer than their last one!

Working shower!
Hey Family!

How is everyone doing today?? I hope that all is well up there in Utah!! So, Lizzie is home then, eh?? So good to hear!!! Woo!! And Kortnee bought a house! Yay!! And it closes on my birthday, does it?? You'll have to have a celebratory cake in the new house!! That's so crazy that Kortnee is getting married!! I am so stoked for it! Especially after conference yesterday! That is awesome that she will is about to make this covenant with Dylan and God! It's such a deep and important covenant! Kortnee and Dylan, watch the priesthood session of Elder Eyring's talk, if you haven't already, it talks about the sealing power of the priesthood and it is really cool!!! :)

This week has been a good week! We moved houses finally!! Yay!!! haha I will try and send a few pictures of the new house! So that's exciting! All this week we have been getting the old house repaired, so we waited a lot in the house for the people fixing it! But on the bright side, the new house doesn't have like any problems! The shower works!!!!!! WOOOO! haha and the walls are painted!! WOOO!! haha I hope that you are all excited for me!
We haven't taught many lessons this week at all, so there isn't much to tell you all in that sense but we did have a couple new people come to General Conference!! We will be visiting them this week to get to know them! Members brought them to the conference without our help so, yay for the members!!!

I loved General Conference! I don't know about all of you! My favorite talks were the President Eyring talk in priesthood session, the Bednar talk in priesthood session, all the Uchtdorf talks (I liked these a lot!! I learned a ton!!). Also, the talk by Larry Wilson of the seventy in the last session about unrighteous dominion.  We can all learn from this one! And I ABSOLUTELY LOVED President Monson's talk on Sunday morning! I already re-watched it! I loved the first part and the story! It's so true about the world and everyone! All in all, this was THE best conference yet! I loved it!!! I learned so much! You should all re-watch the conference when you have time!

Other than that, my week was a bit slow because of all the repairs we had to do in the house, but it was good!! I love you all!! Keep working hard and never stop growing close to Christ!! I love you all so much!! Stay strong and remember - GPS (go to church, pray, and read your scriptures!)



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