Monday, April 16, 2012


I decided to send some pictures first today! I hope you all like them!!

Birthday boys!
The cakes that their zone bought for Braden and His Companion - his birthday is this Thursday as well! 

These are some special birthday boy pictures that Braden sent Lizzie... :)

A cool gecko they found in their new house! Look how little it is!!!

The city of San night. Abstract style. 

Hey family,

I want to first off, thank you all for all your emails and love!! It is the best birthday present ever!!! I just received a call from the mission office and they told me I have a package, too! So I'm sure my birthday package from all of you!!! Yay! But we probably won't be going to the office for a few days but I should have it by this next Monday!!

So, thanks everyone for your love and support! This is the best birthday ever!!! 

This week we have been just doing the normal stuff! We have been working a lot with members and are very successful! Something sad though is that Jael wasn't able to come to church yesterday, so she won't be able to be baptized until next month! It should be good though, we are working with her and she is progressing well!! But we are just doing all we need to do here to be successful! We still have a long way to go though! A lot of hard work!!

So, we taught Alejandra this last week again! It was actually a cool experience! We said a prayer and like two seconds after, she said, "wasn't only one of you supposed to be here today?" (We had told her that we were planning to change companions that morning but we changed the plans to change that afternoon) and we just told her that we had decided to do it that afternoon. She told us that she had prayed that night before and had decided that if both me and and Paulsen were there at the lesson, she would confess to us who she really was! And after that, she started telling us all about herself - that her real name is Tatillana and how she goes to another ward and how she can't go there anymore because of problems she had (past sins and the way people "looked at her") and so we explained to her that we already new about her story... and we taught her about the atonement! Then we told her that she was always welcome in our ward! Long story short, she is planning on coming to our ward now and she came this last week! She ignores us now which is kind of weird but I'm ok with that..haha as long as she is happy! So long story short, she just has some problems haha like mental issues that she needs to work out...but she's a nice girl all in all! haha 

Apart from that, we did do companion exchanges (where for 24 hours we change companions to get to know each other's investigators and just help out in the other areas) and guess what?! The area I went to has a hot water shower!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO second hot water shower in 10 months!! Aren't you all happy for me?! haha 

Well, that's about it for this week! I hope you all liked my pictures! I love you all so much! 

Thanks again for all of your emails and love to me!! Stay happy! Keep working hard! LOVE YOU ALLLL!!!!!


And...part 2 that he forgot (haha).

So, I also wanted to tell you all what we did today for our birthdays!!

As I mentioned in my email with pictures, today we had a bit of a zone activity! We got together, ate some cake, and played a few games! One of the games we played was called signs? Has anyone ever played it? It's where everyone is in a circle and you each have a sign you send your sign to other people in the circle not letting a person in the center of the circle see you! It's really fun! If you haven't ever played it, just ask Kolby, he should know! haha and then we played some card games and just had fun! haha I loved it! It was great!!!

I love you all!! Stay close!

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