Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Week 48 (04/24/12) - Lots of Birthdays and a cool bishop!

And here are some pictures from the 5 or 6 times they celebrated birthdays last week! With members, missionaries, and the ward!

Hola familia! Como estan! 

Hey, how is everyone?! Is it weird that I almost started writing the letter in Spanish? I can't think in English anymore, it's hard! haha but no worries I don't think my English speaking is too bad!!!

So, how have you all been? I'm sorry I couldn't write yesterday. There was a meeting that they failed to anounce to us until Friday night! So we didn't have any time to tell you guys! That's mission life though, I guess! Obedience! I love it, though! Even experiences as small as changing p-day help me grow and learn! 

This last week we've been working hard! It's very different in this area (the working side of things) and I'm still getting a hold on it kind of! We still don't have any baptisms in the next week or two! However, something really good here in San Marcos is that the bishop  helps us a lot! He is such an amazing man! Very loving, happy all the time! He served in the war here, got married after, and had a child that passed away from multiple schlorosis (something that makes him and his wife so so loving to the missionaries! They treat us like their kids) and they have even served a 2 year mission in the Guatamala temple! Kind of like grandma and grandpa served in Hawaii! They are just so awesome! I especially like working with the wife! She NEVER loses her smile! She is 
always smiling and is just amazing! Anyway, last night we had a family night with them and they invited over some neighbors who aren't members! They are like gold! They are so awesome! It is a family of brothers and sisters (I still don't know all their names but I will get them to you guys! haha) but we were able to meet 3 last night, there's more there too! It's just good to be able to work with the bishop and have him and his wife show us so much love! I love it!!

Other than that, we have had a pretty calm week! Something cool that happened was that on Saturday, we had a recent convert take us up a little ways (like a 10 minute walk/hike) to a radio tower on top of the mountain! It was really cool! I will send some pictures so you can see! It was a little foggy, and really green everywhere! There was also a house up there, surprisingly and we did a contact with them and gave them a Book of Mormon haha

We also met a really cool guy from Puerto Rico! He comes here about every 3 months because his wife lives here (they are actually married! woo!) But he had vacations here for last week, and we were able to teach him and his wife about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith! It's cool because he was extremely excited!! I know I probably won't be the one to baptize him, but I feel that him and his wife will one day be baptized! haha he's just so extremely excited to learn! He had a lot of doubts but as we were explaining he was like, 'OH! OK! That is so amazing! I know that's true!" or, "I never thought about the ancestors of the Indians! This has to be true! It was just cool!" But he left now, he works for an oil company in California and travels a lot up there! (I forgot to mention he's a US citizen and speaks English and Spanish) but yeah it was way cool to teach him!

Also, in the multi zone conference yesterday, we learned a lot about repentance and how to apply it to us, and our investigators! We talked a lot about the talk from last October's conference by Christofferson! (You should all read it again! It was awesome!!!) And it was really good yesterday! We learned a lot but mostly just about how to do contacting better and things like that :) 

That's about it! It was a really good week and we had a lot of fun! I love you all! Stay strong! Keep working hard and reading your scriptures every day! Never give up!!


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