Monday, April 9, 2012

Week 46 (04/09/12) - Happy Easter!

Some fun pictures of all the Zone Leaders in the El Salvador San Salvador Mission

Hola familia!
Como están??
Thank you all for emails and pictures that you sent me this week! I loved the pictures of Kortnee and Dylan's engagements! They are so awesome!! I especially like the one with the skis that they sent me! It's funny because I know that Kortnee had to have been absolutely freezing!! haha also the house must have been really full this last weekend! Hannah, Lizzie, and Kolby all over for Easter, eh?? That's cool!! Sounds like some fun for Easter!! We had a good Easter here as well! They don't really do anything in our church here. They did have a really good sacrament meeting with talks on Christ though!! That was wonderful! But the main thing that they do here is with the Catholic Church!  They have whats called "la semana santa," or the Holy Week. They have celebrations all week long and have parades carrying crosses and fake casket-like things. It's weird to me but it's a tradition down here! It is all supposed to represent Christ, so that's good! I loved focusing on Christ's resurrection though, it was much better!! 

Also, these are supposed to be the hottest weeks of the entire year! This last week it had to have gotten up to 100 plus easily. While hiking up to the top of a mountain in church clothes to visit someone, 100 degrees is really, really hot! haha But it's all good! The rain will be starting next month!

Other than that, this week we've been working with a lot of new people! It's really cool because they are progressing well! We had several people at church on Sunday, too! It is sad though; some of the people we were teaching before made choices like working on Sundays and things... so we aren't teaching the Bolanos family and the Rodriguez family and the Perez family as much anymore, but they can change at any minute! It's hard to see people not make the right choices when you know what will be best for them! I just wish they would all follow Christ! haha but it's good, no problems! Jael is still doing really well and she came to church this Sunday! Woo!!! We are planning a baptism for her at the end of the month! 

Oh! So I want to tell you all about a crazy girl we were/are teaching! Her name is Alejandra. I think I may have mentioned her before! Well, we found out that she is actually a little crazy! She goes from ward to ward talking to each of the missionaries and trying to get them to teach her, but she is already a member!! She was baptized two years ago! It's crazy though because she seems to be a bit schizophrenic (I think that's what it is called - someone who twitches uncontrollably) but anyway, she is loca! We are trying to get a picture and stuff to share it with the Mission President so that she can't do it to any other missionaries! We've been like doing detective business this last week! haha making phone calls, doing name checks to the records of the church! But it took a member from her ward to fully confirm that she is a member! haha She is crazy! (But not dangerous at all, just a bit twitchy! haha) We are trying to help her to not lie so much though, so hopefully she won't do it anymore! haha 

Anyway, that's about it! It's been a good Easter here! I miss you all!! Stay safe! Be happy, as Bob Marley says! 

I love you all!!!


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