Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Week 44 (03/26/12) - A special lesson on the plan and more investigators!

Hey family!!!
All is well here in El Salvador! Nice and hot as always! haha Today, we had an activity thing in our zone and that is why I'm writing so late! Sorry about that! That's so crazy about Lizzie though! I can't believe that happened! I know she will be safe though! All should be good! Keep me up to date and let me know what happens!
Other than that, we've had a really good week! We have taught some really good lessons and had a lot of success! We are teaching a lot of good people and I would like to tell you about them!! We are teaching a family - The guy is named Nelson - his wife, Teresa and their kids are already members (I have only met them once) and Nelson isn't! The reason being that they need to have a divorce to be married! But that is already in process and he should be able to be baptized in about a month!!! Also, we are teaching the Perez family, there's a lot of people in this family!!! But the parents names are Marcos and Ana. They are a family we found and are really nice! They are very humble and willing to change and are just awesome!!! They do have some problems with the word of wisdom but they have a really strong desire to change!
We also have the Rodriguez family - this is a young couple, they are about 25 and 26 years old and are awesome!!! They study a lot a lot and they both speak really good English!! Something that is really cool, and very sad, is that the wife's brother was murdered this last week (gang related). The family was absolutely devastated. We asked her if we could stop by Sunday (after the funeral), and share a message with her.  We had prepared a lesson for them about how families can be together even after death, how there is life after death... all through the lesson, the wife was crying and even at some points, the dad, but after everything was through, I asked them if they had any questions, and their answer was really special, they didn't have any questions, they just wanted to thank us for all that we had prepared, for giving them hope and help when they were so sad and depressed. It was such an amazing experience!!! I love the gospel! It literally saves lives! I love being here!!
Other than them, we are teaching a couple more people, but the only one that is progressing is a girl thats 16 years old. Her name is Jael and she is really awesome!! She came to church and was really bonding with all the people there! She's awesome!!!
Otherwise, we are just waiting excitedly for General Conference this next weekend!! I can't wait!!! Make sure you all watch every session (Dad and Derek and Dylan and Luke to the priesthood session :)), and make sure you think of questions that you need answered. This is what our mission president and all my old seminary teachers used to tell me! If we have questions, whatever they may be, they can be answered through prayer and general conference!! I'm stoked!!!

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