Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Week 31 (12/26/11) - MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Monday, December 26, 2011
Hey everyone!!!
I love you all so much! That was so awesome to talk to you all! I loved it and it was so fun! There is a saying in the mission..."baggy."  It's like the word "Trunky" haha It is when a missionary is thinking a lot about home and he has a hard time focusing 100 percent! Well, I'll just say that was definitely me! haha but I'm better now! The baggy sickness is gone! I miss you all but I am back to work :) I love you all!!! 
So....not much has happened since Saturday! but I will tell you all about my Christmas! As I said, they all celebrate Christmas on the 24th here! So, right after I talked to all of you on Saturday, we went the the Bishop's house! He gave us SO much food! We had turkey and a potato beet salad thing and some really good rice! The bishop also bought us rootbeer! You don't realize how much you miss rootbeer until you haven't had it in 8 months!!! It really is so delicious! Make sure you drink some for me, sound good?? haha anyway, after the bishop's house, we went to the Mission Leader's house and he gave us some chicken sandwich thing and then we went to an investigator's house and they gave us food too! Let's just say we ate a lot!!!! After we finished eating and visiting everyone, we were on our way home through a war zone!! Apparently, Salvadoranians like fire crackers more than Americans!! Seriously, EVERY single house had people outside throwing fire crackers and not just little ones... HUGE ONES!! Seriously, some were the size of my hand! They were like bombs! But then they also had like these bottle rocket things and stuff as well! Let's just say it was literally like being in a war zone! Bombs going off everywhere...little firecracker "guns" going off and then rockets in the air! SO crazy! But as you can imagine, it is a bit difficult to sleep with all that noise? Yeah we fell asleep at about 3 in the morning...haha crazy, eh? Yeah I was tired yesterday!!! haha but then on the actual Christmas day, we went to church and just visited people that we could! Not very many people were home - a lot of people were with their families so we just stayed with the members that were home! haha it was way fun! SWEET!
Other than that, not much has happened! We did play soccer today and that was fun!
I love you all! Thank you so so much for all being there on Saturday! I loved seeing you all! Just so you know Kalee, I've worn my retainer more here than before my mission - my teeth are good haha As for my eyebrows....that's a different story haha but anyway! I loved seeing you all! And my knives! That was sweet! I love you all! I love you Mom and Dad! I love you Britny and Luke and Anslee! I love you Kalee and Kortnee and Derek! I love you Kolby and of course, I love you Lizzie!!! Stay strong and stay happy everyone! Keep reading the scriptures and have lots of fun!!! (PS I left dylan out for a reason...that was so mean! (in reference to the fake on-screen proposal) haha just kidding I love you too Dylan!!!)
I love you!!!

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