Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Week 28 (12/06/11) - rough week as a missionary...and Christmas celebrations!

A few more pictures from our missionary!

Elder Woodfield and Elder Hammond at their Christmas party this week!
Beautiful sunsets in El Salvador!

Hello Everyone!

…Help me! The nights have been getting long, and the days shorter... the terrible wind is frigid cold and I just cant stand it! At nights, the temperatures are dropping...Friday night it dropped to 65 degrees! I don’t know what I will do! Haha…So, I hope you all know that I am joking! The wind here blows a whole 6 miles an hour and the people get all worried over it! haha but really, the temperature dropped down to 65 the other night! I had to wear long pants to bed! Terrible, eh?? haha Everyone here has been like freaking out that it is so cold though! It is funny! The only thing I have to say though is taking a cold shower when the air isn’t exactly "hot," isn’t very fun! haha But I hear the weather up there is getting colder and colder?? LUCKIES!! I want cold! I want to wear my American Eagle jacket again! haha I miss it – that’s for sure! But no, it is EXCELLENT here! Love you all!!!

So some news from this week, this week has been a bit trial-filled, I suppose you could say?? Haha…lots of our lessons fell through and lots of people rejected our message… but through it all, I still have faith! By far the hardest thing was that we had 10 people commit to come to church and NONE of them came! We had members setup to take them all to church and everything, but when the members went they all had problems and couldn’t come, or just weren’t there... sad sad…but I know it will be ok! No worries! Other than that, it has been a very good week! We’ve had a lot of success with the family of Karla and Carlos! Do you remember them? We found Karla and it was when her husband wasn’t living with her anymore…and then when Carlos (her husband) came back, she kind of stopped listening. Anyway, we basically dropped them as investigators at the time…but there is a member that lives close and he never gave up! He kept visiting her and visiting her and he actually got her husband a job and everything! Anyway, long story short, they came to church one day through the efforts of the member and we went to visit them that night and it went awesome! He loved church and wants to keep going! We challenged them to baptism on the 17th of December but they still haven’t accepted because they are scared to commit but I know they will get baptized soon if not on that date! I LOVE IT! They are so awesome!!

Other than that, that was about my last week! Apart from yesterday! The reason that p-day was switched is because the Mission President had a family night/day in his house! He has been taking each zone of missionaries, one at a time, and inviting them to his house! Him and his wife wanted us all to feel at home and to feel loved so they had a "day of Christmas traditions.” It was so awesome!!! So, first things first, we got there and had a prayer and read Luke Chapter 2 (the Christmas story). We had a good discussion about Christ and his love for us, and then after, we got to change into our regular clothes and play around! First off, we made and ate sugar cookies and then we had chips and dip! Then, we took all the couches in the house and built forts…and then threw hundreds of wadded up socks at each other like a snowball fight! It was such a blast!!! I loved it! We then cleaned up and had a scavenger hunt with cameras! We had to do things like imitate a scripture scene in one, and in another, we all had to be jumping…and in another, "be creative with a door" - just fun things like that! They will be sending all those pictures to us next week so I will be sure to get those to you all!! After that, we looked at all the pictures together and just laughed and had a lot of fun! But then after that was the best part!!! We had lunch! And all of it was imported food from the US!!! We had carrots in a butter sauce and a baked Idaho potato! Then we had a classic Utah Jello side and for the grand finale, we had a prime grade skirt steak! SO SO SO delicious! I LOVED IT!!! The president definitely spoiled us! I was completely stuffed!!! I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MMMMMM…I forgot how good American food tastes! Anyway, after that, we played a game where everyone writes the name of a famous person on a piece of paper and then I would guess if someone wrote that name and if I was wrong he got to guess someone else and if I was right he was on my team, and we would be working together! It was a lot of fun and a bit like Apples to Apples! It was all a blast! Anyway, so after this, we changed into missionary clothes again and had a testimony meeting (really cool! loved it too!!) and then after, we all got hot brownies and ice cream!! So classic American! Love it! Anyway, it was a blast! Make sure you are all having fun and partying like that every day, okay?? Oh, also, just so you all know, I totally made a Christmas countdown with candy and saran wrap! hehehe

Anyway, that is about it for this week! I love you all so much! Stay strong and always remember the real reason for the season is Christ! Everyone read in Luke chapter 2 and think about Christ! LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

Elder Woodfield (Braden:))

P.S. Something funny that happened to me  - On the first of the month, I went to take out my money from my account and I forgot my pin... well, lets just say I was dumb and put my pin in one too many times! Now, I don’t have a debit card (my mission one, at least…I still have my personal card, no worries) but they had to transfer all of my money into my companion’s account and they will give me my new card in a month! haha funny, right? You can all laugh at my stupid moment if you want! That’s me! Forgetful Braden! You still all love me, right?? hehe

P.S.S. One of our investigators named Jose, "admitted" to us this week that he committed a grave sin (a grave sin is like murder) and he was totally serious! Want to know what his sin was?? He told us that one day, he skipped school to go to a cyber and play video games... and the police saw him in his uniform and took him to his house! haha Isn’t that funny? Totally not a grave sin but he was all scared that he couldn’t be baptized and stuff! I loved it – too funny!

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