Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Week 30 (12/19/11) - FELIZ NAVIDAD and Rene is baptized!

Feliz Navidad Familia!

I love you all! How is Christmas without me? Do you miss the smell of cinnamon and chocolate or is the lack of a huge mess a good thing?? haha I hope you are all still keeping my kitchen in shape! Don’t let her get too unused! haha

(Also, don’t you touch my knives! They are telepathic and they let me know when they are being used! Don’t even think about it, Derek!)

Anyway! So, good news everyone! We had another baptism this last week! Rene was so excited! He is a 47 year old single man living in his mom’s house that has just been a party boy all his life but he says he finally has purpose! It’s so cool! The thing I love is how every single person we have taught has expressed in some way or another that they want to go and share this gospel! He said that he just wants to go out and help people!  Love it! I will send a picture this next week though because we are on the virus filled computers again! haha I hope you don’t mind!

So, I just wanted to share my Christmas experience with you here in El Salvador! Right now, I am sitting in a cyber, typing. I am in church clothes but I am sweating so I could easily be in shorts and a t-shirt! haha But then when you walk outside, there is snow! But, it’s not normal snow! haha it is snow of ash! This time of the year, they harvest sugar cane! And once they have juiced it, they burn the woody part of it! Well, even though the nearest cane field is about 15 miles away, the ash raises up really, really high and falls here in Campos! It isn’t that much but every once in a while it will get in your hair or something haha it’s funny! Also, to answer your questions, yes, they use lights and Christmas trees! Not everyone has them but some streets are just totally decked out in lights! haha it’s sweet! Also, there is a Santa Clause in the place we go to eat on Wednesdays, in the UNICENTRO mall thing, it’s funny! I bet he is so hot! Oh, also, they love to dance at Christmas time! And everyone has been dancing a lot lately! Salsa dancing to be exact!  MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Also, Kortnee, Happy Birthday last week! Sorry I switched the letters! I actually didn’t mean to! haha I had them both and had the evil thought to switch yours and Kolby’s b-day letters and then I was like…no, not worth it! haha but then I guess I did it anyways! haha that’s so funny! My mind just works on it’s own I guess!! muahahahahah :)

Oh, so funny story! I love the people here so much! For all of you guys, this won’t be as funny, but just imagine it, yeah?? So, there is this kid named Marvin Mendoza in our ward. He is the nicest most loving kid I know! He is 16 years old and he comes with us to work like 2 or 3 times a week just because he loves missionary work so much! Anyway, one day we were in the church and I was like, Marvin, do you trust me? He was like…yeah…so I had him do the whole fall backwards and I catch him thing. Anyway, he is about 5 foot 5 and weighs about 115 pounds! Easy, yeah? Well, then he was like ok! So now, let me do it to you! Do you trust me? I was like.... yeah, of course I trust you but I don’t trust how big you are! haha anyway, he talked me into doing the faith drop thing and as I started falling I was like.... oh bad idea! Well, needless to say, I took him out! haha We both just fell flat of the floor laughing! haha It was so funny! I love these people here! I am glad that I am serving here in El Salvador! I miss you all but I will just say that I am in the best place to be on a mission!! Love you all!!!

Also, about calling this next weekend I talked it out with my companion and we decided that the best time for us is on Saturday right after lunch…we will eat lunch right at 12 and then go to the church to use the internet there (its the fastest :)). So, I will probably be calling at about 1 o’clock my time…I have no clue what time it is for you guys. I get so confused with time zones! haha but anyway, I hope that is all good for all of you! I think it would be easiest to just call Lizzie’s account on Skype! Also, I think I remember my Skype account name and password but Lizzie could you send me an email to this account with my Skype account if not then I can just make a new one :) sound good?? cooooool :) :) :)

Anyway family, I love you all so much! I hope that your week went well!! Take care and make sure Lizzie gets home safe! haha I heard her story... take care of her for me! I love you all!! Stay safe and remember that Jesus loves you!!!!


Talk to you all on Saturday!!! 

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