Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Week 29 (12/12/11) - Another baptism and skype call!

Elder Braden had a GREAT week - another baptism and he will be able to Skype his family on Christmas Eve! So excited to see and hear from him!

The baptism of Josue with Elder Hammond, his wife, Josue, his boss, and Elder Braden. 

Elder Braden making sugar cookies at their zone Christmas party!

The following are some photos he forwarded from their Christmas Party last Monday!

Their zone (Elder Braden is in the back left of the photo).

Pillow fight!

He's not in the following photos but you can still see how much fun he was having!

Hola Familia!

I love you all! How are you all doing?? I hope you weren’t worried too bad about the sudden drop in temperature here in El Salvador! It’s back to the normal 75 degrees at night and 90 degrees during the day! DON’T YOU WORRY!! haha anyway, LOVE YOU ALL!

So good to hear from you all this week! Thanks for all your emails and such! I loved getting it all! Oh, and guess what?! The postal service here is apparently on strike! haha So, I hope you get my letters or that I get your letters/packages before February! haha they will for sure go through…it is just a matter of when... haha but guess what?! Good news! We got permission from the Area Presidency to talk on Skype for Christmas!!! So, it will be free and you can see my face! YAY!! But, there is just one problem that we have…well, we were told that we can’t call our families in the proselyting times, and that is from 4 to 9 at night. Since you guys have church in the morning until 12ish, and my church starts at 2 (but I need to go eat and bring investigators) I don’t think I will be able to make the call on Christmas day?? I won’t let anyone miss church to talk to me so that isn’t an option and we can’t miss church either, so I guess we can do the call on Saturday, Christmas Eve?? How does that sound? We could do it like around 12, 1 o’clock on Saturday?? I don’t know what works best for you all!? Anyways just let me know in the emails next week, deal?? I LOVE YOU ALL!! SO STOKED TO TALK TO YOU ALL!!!!!

Apart from that grand piece of news, not much else to report... But, we did have a BAPTISM!! We baptized someone names Josue this week (it means Joshua in English). He was a reference from the temple (pretty sure I already told you that) but he works in the grounds of the temple and he wasn’t a member! Well anyway, he got in contact with his boss who is a member and said he wanted to hear the lessons and then they called us and here we go! We have been teaching him for about a month or so and he’s awesome! He reads the Book of Mormon every day and accepted everything that we taught him! He’s so awesome!! I will send a picture of the baptism! Also, it was cool because I was the one to baptize him!! Cool huh?? hehe

Other than that, we haven’t had much to do this week! I told you about the cool activity last Monday already…and the rest of the week, we’ve been doing lots of missionary work! Wake up at 6:30, get ready, eat cereal, study at 8, 9 comp study till 11, 11 - language study, 12 - lunch 1 o’clock begin to teach people! We have been teaching a few new people lately but no one is super positive at the moment. But we do think that Rene will be ready for baptism this next weekend! Rene is Sandra's (Sarai and Mario’s mom) boyfriend.  This last week, we gave him the Doctrine and Covenants dvds (the ones they use to teach in seminary). It has three disks - 2 with short video clips, and then another disk with like 4 hours of different church videos (Joseph SmithP: The Prophet of the Restauracion and others like Legacy). When we came back the next day, he had already watched them all! It was like seriously 9 hours of videos! It was sweet! Anyway, he learned so much and is so excited to be baptized!

That’s about it! I love you all! I hope that you’re all doing really well!! I am excited to talk to you all! Just let me know when and all that! I am sure Lizzie can help you set up Skype and everything! LOVE YOU!!!


The first picture is of me when we made sugar cookies last week! Yay!!! The other is of the baptism! The other people in the picture are his boss and his wife! They are so awesome! LOVE YOU ALL!!!

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