Monday, January 2, 2012

Week 32 (01/02/12) - Elder Woodfield is training again!

Monday, January 2, 2011
Hello my lovely family!
Hola familia! les amo!!

How are you all doing today on this fine, hot, and sunny new year?? Oh yeah...I forgot it was cold there... Sorry for rubbing it in your face, Kalee!! Love ya! hehehe
So! Lots of news this week! Are you all ready?? I am going to be training again and I will still be in my area!! Woo!!! haha cool, eh? The president called me again to be trainer! I am really excited for another opportunity to train and to keep working in this area!! It was such a surprise! It is kind of funny though, all last week I was telling people that I was going, and that they needed to write my little remembrance letters. I was taking pictures with everyone thinking I wasn't going to be here after this next week and then, Friday night, President called and said I was going to be training in my same area! CRAZY! So anyway, this Wednesday I will go to San Salvador to get my new companion!! I will make sure and include some pictures in my next week's email!
Other than that, we had an awesome new years!!! We went to the bishop's house and had a Salvadoranian feast of Turkey, Chicken, Salad, and Rice! It was really good! Then, we just visited people and stuff! Way fun! Other than that, we got home and they were setting off all their fireworks like on Christmas...except this time, Elder Hammond and I got smart! This last week, we went and bought ear plugs! haha So we slept really, really well!!! I woke up for about 20 minutes right at midnight and it was soooooooooooooo loud! But, with the earplugs, it was good! I really wanted to stay up late and celebrate but I just couldn't! I was so tired!!! haha but anyway, I slept really well!!
Something pretty sweet...yesterday, we went on a hike! Not really though...haha a member wanted us to meet her non-member cousins and let's just say... they live far away!! haha it was way up in the mountains and we hiked/walked for a full hour on a dirt road up into the mountains of El Salvador! It was way sweet though! It was really, really pretty and their family was really nice! The one cousin has been going to church for a couple Sundays and we are starting to teach the familly now! I hope all goes well!
Also, this week we helped a family move home and let's just say... totally nasty!! haha Salvadoranions don't like to deep clean!! haha it's funny!!
Other than that, that's about all I've done this week!!! It's way sweet and I'm really excited to train!! I love you all so so much!! Stay strong and remember the GPS (go to Church, say your Prayers and read your Scriptures!) haha I love you all!! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you all!!
I love you!!!

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