Tuesday, December 27, 2011

SKYPE with Elder Woodfield - Feliz Navidad!

On Christmas Eve (the day that Christmas is celebrated in El Salvador, the 24th), we were all able to gather at the Woodfield home and SKYPE with Elder Woodfield. It was SO good to see and hear him! He looked so good and sounded so happy. For most of us, it was the best Christmas present of the year! We also received some fun Christmas surprises at our home...
Sunday morning, Christmas, Momma Cherie woke up to find "Elder Woodfield" standing in the kitchen with his chef hat and jacket on. Later that day, Cherie and Kortnee showed up at Liz's, Elder Woodfield's girlfriend, home with Elder Woodfield - she was absolutely thrilled to see "him." It was a fun Christmas and although we miss our missionary dearly, we know that he is doing the Lord's work and he is where he needs to be. We love our Elder! 

Showing off his name tag!
Elder Woodfield....with Mitt Romney's body!

Cherie and Kortnee on Liz's doorstep with Elder Woodfield!

Elder Woodfield also had Cherie get Lizzie some flowers for Christmas (along with a few other surprises :)) - what a great Christmas for all of us!

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